1705482863 Latest war news Gaza Strip Israeli attack on Khan Yunis

Latest war news. Gaza Strip, Israeli attack on Khan Yunis: 13 dead. Medvedev: “Ukraine is Russian, other wars will come with Kiev”


After the attacks in Syria and Iraq, Iran also struck in Pakistan: Islamabad denounced the killing of two children and the wounding of three others, without naming the location of the bombings. At least 13 people died in Israeli attacks on Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip last night. An agreement was reached with Hamas to enable the delivery of medicine to the hostages. The two who appeared in the latest videos have been confirmed dead. Two more Israeli soldiers killed, 192 since ground operations began. According to American media, the US will add the Houthis in Yemen back to the list of terrorist organizations

January 17, 2024

Latest war news Gaza Strip Israeli attack on Khan YunisColumns of smoke rise into the sky of Khan Yunish in the Gaza Strip during the Israeli attack

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    Latest war news Gaza Strip Israeli attack on Khan Yunis

    Vladimir Putin (Portal)