Ottawa warns Washington it will protect its drugs

Ottawa warns Washington it will protect its drugs

Federal Health Minister Mark Holland called U.S. officials to tell them the Canadian government will protect its drug supply after the United States allowed states to import drugs from Canada on a large scale.

He says he has received assurances that the American government has no intention of triggering a drug shortage in Canada.

Health Canada released a report last week on Mr. Holland's discussions with the U.S. health minister and the U.S. ambassador to Canada about the decision.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced earlier this month that it would allow Florida to import millions of dollars' worth of drugs from Canadian wholesalers to save money on drugs that are more expensive south of the border.

The decision immediately sparked concerns in the Canadian pharmaceutical sector about the impact on Canadian supplies.

Minister Holland says there are regulations in Canada that prevent wholesalers and other members of the Canadian pharmaceutical industry from selling drugs outside the domestic market if that means there isn't enough left for them. Canadian.