Davi alerts Isabelle to her brother39s interest and sisterinlaw makes

Davi alerts Isabelle to her brother's interest and sisterinlaw makes a revelation Portal do Holanda

Davi told Isabelle to open her eyes to people who approach her with interest beyond friendship and with ulterior motives #BBB24


Dantas (@Dantinhas) January 16, 2024

Davi warned Isabelle about someone who may approach her as a friend but has ulterior motives. The “sisterinlaw” announced that she was not interested in anyone in the house.

It should be remembered that Vinicius was interested in the Amazon region. In a conversation this Tuesday (16), the app driver said: “Sometimes a person talks to you and wants to be your friend, but he doesn't want to be your friend, got it? She just gives you a touch.” “We sense when a person wants to be a real friend or when a person wants more than that.”

Davi: “When you were in the pool today, you were there and people were saying they were putting on you and everything else. So pay attention to these things.”

Isabelle: “But jokingly, he already said something, right? In fact, they already said something to me in front of him and I said no, he’s my friend.”

Davi advised Isabelle to avoid massages. “If it’s a friendship thing, it’s beautiful. But if it's something where there are intentions, it's not friendship,” he added.

Isabelle: “Okay, my father. You're right, but this transition is very delicate because I really consider him a friend.” “Because I've already made it very clear that no one in the house has ever messed with me.”

2018 destaques 80 66

Portal do Holanda was founded on November 14, 2005. First with a column named after its founder, the journalist Raimundo de Holanda. Then it moved to Blog do Holanda and finally to Portal do Holanda. It was one of the first sites in the state of Amazonas. It is reviewed by IVC and ComScore.