1705489121 Enthusiasm for the show Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois Quebecers39

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive – Le Journal de Montréal

Over 25,000 tickets have already been sold for the show The BB by Ludovick BourgeoisSpectators singing every single word, an advertising kiosk robbed in one evening, a film or series in the making: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive.

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive

Screenshot Instagram Joel Legendre

For years, audiences have been calling on Ludovick Bourgeois to revive BB songs on stage. Seven years after winning La Voix 2017 and with three albums and extensive touring experience, Ludo (in short) launched his Les BB par Ludovick Bourgeois tribute tour last Saturday in LaSalle. And to say the public was overjoyed is an understatement.

The Instagram video of the opening night shared by Joël Legendre, the show's director, provides a good overview of the sweet nostalgia that animates this concert series. We hear the crowd singing in unison the lyrics to BB's flagship tracks such as “You will never know”, “Give me my chance” and “Perfume of the past”, while archival images carefully selected by Ludovick are shown on a huge screen. Something that will delight fans of the legendary group from the 1990s.

The enthusiasm is so great that many evenings of the fifty dates are sold out. Some others only have a few tickets left. We also already know that the tour will continue next fall.

BB madness and a strong emotional charge

“Ludovick had a lot to say. We wanted him to open up, beyond his voice. We wanted to explore his journey. His father's death gave me an emotional relief and I felt that he was at peace for the first time. We therefore find the madness of the BB, the love for his father and his pride in this show, but also all the emotional burden of having lost his father, which he has kept a little secret until now,” explains Joël Legendre to the Journal.

“It will change him as a person,” believes the director, who witnessed the young singer’s upheaval at the end of the premiere; He was unable to say the lyrics he had prepared, and when he saw his drummer crying, he was overcome with emotion. The audience then consoled him with a long ovation.

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive

Courtesy of Roy & Turner

The nostalgia surrounding the group Les BB – which would have celebrated its 35th anniversary this year – plays a role in the audience's affection for the young Ludovick since his debut as a singer. It must be said that the resemblance between father and son is striking and that Ludovick's voice is very similar to that of his famous father.

It is also very moving to know that Patrick Bourgeois was able to witness the triumph of his child in La Voix six months before his death (he died in November 2017 while battling colon cancer).

During his blind audition, Ludovick Bourgeois covered “You'll Never Know,” a big BB hit. In the special program “La Voix: 10 ans” broadcast last Sunday, we were able to see again this touching excerpt from the remarkable auditions, in addition to the moment in which the son calls his father to tell him that he has been chosen for the Show.

In an interview with Charles Lafortune on the occasion, Ludovick Bourgeois said of his father: “If I put myself in his shoes, I can imagine feeling a sense of pride. The Voice, yes, it's a great achievement for me, but that's not all. I mean, there were many steps that got me to where I am today. I can imagine a feeling of pride when you know how difficult it is to stand out in such an environment and you see your man doing it.”

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive

Michel Miller/@jdemontreal

– The story of the group Les BB will be told in a TV series or film by Alain DesRochers and producer Christian Larouche. The fictional work has the working title Why are you in the moon?.

– Despite strong demand from online fans, retro t-shirts and BB merchandise will only be sold on show nights. More than 150 items were sold during the premiere, which already forced the team to produce material for future performances.

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive

Enthusiasm for the show “Les BB by Ludovick Bourgeois”: Quebecers' love for the group Les BB is still very much alive