I39m a woman period

I'm a woman, period

When I found out that twins would be returning to gender-specific categories, I let out a big “Hallelujah!” And yet I have not a shred of religious fiber in my body. But in the face of this revelation that had finally hit the leadership of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, I was ready to believe in the proof of the existence of God. But I fear my celebrations will be short-lived. In Quebec, it is still difficult to have a clear and meaningful discussion about sex, gender and the nuances between the two.

• Also read: Gemini realizes that there are men and women!

• Also read: With the twins there are no longer any non-gender-specific interpretation categories


It is important to remember why Gemini was “degendered” last year. The director general of the Quebec section of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television told my colleague Cédric Bélanger: “Gender is a pretty fluid question right now. We wanted to leave it up to the artists to decide where they see themselves best represented.”

Although in the last census only 0.14% of Canada's population was non-binary.

In the next Gemini we return to the men on one side and the women on the other. But I am convinced that this episode, based on an oversensitivity towards an ultra-minority, has dampened the enthusiasm of several decision-makers in “the wonderful world of media”.

It is fashionable to walk on eggshells so as not to offend anyone. Everyone takes care of themselves, puts on white gloves and twists their tongues in their mouths seven times before saying something to someone wearing a dress and showing off busty breasts.

Have you noticed how common it is now in all areas of society for people to call us by their pronouns? If your name is Eric and you have a beard and mustache, do you really need to tell me that your pronouns are “he/he/him”? And if your name is Mary, named after the mother of Jesus, do you really have to tell me that your pronouns are “they/them/them”?

Furthermore, the fact that these people tell us their pronouns in English is not irrelevant: it comes from an American ideology.

Yesterday La Presse told us that a doctor had been disqualified for three months for “misrepresenting” a patient (who until recently was a patient).

If a doctor (whose job is to know biology and anatomy) is criticized for reminding that there are only two genders, XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes, imagine how producers, broadcasters or others Entrepreneurs feel.


In 2019 I was invited to Zone franche, the Télé-Québec debate show hosted by Isabelle Maréchal and Raed Hammoud. The theme of the show was: “Should we do away with the idea of ​​female and male gender?”

I've debated a transgender person, a non-binary person, and a woke psychologist.

I had been mocked for saying what seemed obvious to me: in order to have a child, it was necessary for “the father to penetrate the mother,” in other words, for a sperm to fertilize an egg. I was called retrograde, outdated, backwards. Five years later, the issue is so sensitive… that we don't even organize debates on these issues anymore, the ground is too thin! Fun times!