Netanyahu announces many more months of war In the end

Netanyahu announces “many more months of war”: “In the end, no state will emerge…”

A long waruntil all the hostages are released and, above all, after that there will be no more births Palestinian state. Despite the encirclement and pressure now coming from historic European and American allies, Benjamin Netanyahu tries to appear strong and steadfast in its historical positions. And he does it almost defiantly Washingtonand said that he had already delivered the message White House: no disturbance, no pressure to solve the problem two peoples and two states desired by most of the international community.

“In any future agreement, Israel must certainly take control the entire area west of the Jordan – said the Prime Minister – This contradicts the idea of ​​sovereignty. What can we do against it? The Prime Minister must be able to do this Say “no” to our friends“. A formula that, on the contrary, follows that of the Palestinian liberation movements that demand a Palestine “From the river to the sea”. Netanyahu reverses the perspective and claims that on this territory, which today includes the… Occupied territories Palestinians, Tel Aviv must have control options to ensure their safety. As if there was another solution existential threat for the Jewish state: “The day after Netanyahu” means the Palestinian state, against “the majority of the citizens of Israel.” For 30 years I have consistently advocated one simple thing: The conflict is not about the absence of a state, but about the existence of a state.” Words that sound like a warning to the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinkenwhich advocates normalization of relations between Israel and regional powers Saudi Arabia in exchange for a “pathway” for the emergence of a Palestinian state. According to the Prime Minister, “we will see terror in every area we withdraw from.” It happened in the south LebanonTo Gaza, Judaea And Samaria (West Bank)”.

If in the eyes of the Arabic countriesofEurope and especially gods United States The solution that must be sought to achieve peace in Gaza is the solution of two peoples and two states, which immediately failed Oslo Accords and the assassination of the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a Zionist extremist, Benjamin Netanyahu, remains an obstacle to this day. Because he has no intention of giving in on this point. So much so that, as he himself says, the conflict will continue for a long time, until the now well-known “Eradication of Hamas” desired by its executive. “The victory will take time many months, but we are determined to achieve it” and “without compromise,” declared the Prime Minister, adding that “the war will continue on multiple fronts” and “until all objectives are achieved.” This is because Israel aims to “ complete victory. Not just to beat Hamas, not just to hurt Hamas, not for another round with Hamas, but for a total victory over Hamas.”

Netanyahu adds that the word “end” to the conflict will only be spoken when the terrorists have been destroyed 136 hostages While still in their hands they will be freed: “The end of the war will be a sign of weakness and therefore the next massacre will only be a matter of time.” I promise we will not end the war sooner Return of all our abductees“. And this, he concludes, will take “many months.” Months in which he appears to be at the head of the Israeli executive branch.

Twitter: @GianniRosini