They reveal the cause of death of Alec Musser actor

They reveal the cause of death of Alec Musser, actor in the film “Son Como Niño” NTN24

The entertainment world mourned after the actor's sudden death was announced last Friday, January 12. Alec Musserawarded for his participation in the film “They are like children.”

At the time, neither the details nor the cause of his sudden death, which shocked the cinema world, were known.

After several days of investigation, the authorities in San Diego County in the USA presented the forensic report in which they confirmed that the Hollywood star died from a bullet in the chest.

According to the report, it was the actor's partner, Paige Press, who found him “sitting and slumped forward on the bathroom floor” At that moment he realized that there was a weapon near him.

In addition to noticing “An apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest and called 911. Paramedics and authorities responded and confirmed death.”

The media Hollywood Reporter and TMZ They pointed out that San Diego authorities are not calling Musser's death a homicide because there were no other factors at the scene that contributed to his death, but that it was a suicide due to the gunshot wound to the chest.

The late actor's partner said that she last saw him on the night of January 12 when they went to sleep and that she found him on the bathroom floor the next morning.

The woman expressed that the actor's sudden death left her devastated as both had planned to get married by the middle of this year.

Press commented on this in a post on social media “Rest to the love of my life. Alec Musser, I will never stop loving you. My heart is so broken! “Today is the worst day of my life, we were so happy!”

However, she was not the only one affected by the interpreter's death “They are like children” He is his co-star in the film, Adam Sandlerwho posted an emotional farewell message for his colleague.

“I loved that boy. I can't believe he's gone. A good man, wonderful and funny. I'm thinking of Alec Musser and his family and sending them all my love. A true love of a person”Sandler said.

In addition to his distinguished career as an actor, Alec Musser also distinguished himself in the world of sports and fitness, posing for renowned magazines such as GQ, Cosmopolitan and Men's Health.

He also took part in the reality show “I Wanna Be a Soap Star” in 2005 and on the ABC soap opera “All My Children.”

But one of his most memorable on-screen moments was his participation in the film “They are like children” in 2010, a sequence that earned him widespread popularity.