Record fires Wagner Montes' son after four years due to costcutting


Record has decided to dismiss this Friday presenter Wagner Montes Filho (19), son of presenter Wagner Montes (19542019), who has been on Edir Macedo's channel since March 2020.

Waguinho, as he is known behind the scenes, was the host of RJ no Ar, the station's morning newspaper, which achieved good ratings in the greater Rio de Janeiro area between 6:30 a.m. and 8:40 a.m.

Wagner Montes Filho has been deputy audience leader since the end of 2021 and fluctuates between 3 and 4 rating points in the capital of Rio de Janeiro. Each point corresponds to 155,000 viewers.

The dismissal came after Wagner Montes Filho presented this morning's edition of the news program he directs.

This time the cut was due to a new salary containment measure, which the broadcaster plans to gradually implement in January this year due to losses on its balance sheet.

In 2022, Record recorded a loss of R$550 million in its operations. According to internal information from the broadcaster Edir Macedo, determined by Q5The financial results for 2023 were also not good. They will be released by the end of the first semester.

Before working at Record, Wagner Montes Filho worked like his father at SBT in Rio de Janeiro. In his speaking style he even used the catchphrases of his father, who died five years ago due to serious health problems.

Searched by Q5Record confirmed the termination.