Local stars were on hand for Madonna's visit to the Bell Center on Thursday evening as part of her tour Celebration! Make room for your best photos.
Alex Perron
“I was so close to the stage that I was able to capture this moment… over 2 hours of non-stop hits… @madonna has crazy energy! Visually incredible. ❤️,” the moderator wrote on Instagram. Which picture!
Carl Hardy
“It's difficult to find the words after last night because I experienced so many emotions. Madonna is my biggest idol and her music changed everything for me. She also saved my life when I was younger, like many queer people. She taught me to love myself, believe in myself and be respected,” Karl Hardy wrote in a long message on Instagram. It's worth taking a look at the influencer's account, who was able to take some great pictures of Madonna and get a behind-the-scenes look!
Ariane Moffatt
“THANKS TO INFINITY… I never thought I would see Madonna so close,” singer Ariane Moffatt commented on several photos and videos from the show.
Instagram screenshot @moffattariane
Genevieve Borne
The host was on hand to see the great Madonna celebrate her 40th career at the Bell Center!
Instagram screenshot @genevieveborne
Julie du Page
Outings with friends for actress Julie du Page! The author and presenter Alexandra Diaz can be seen in the background.
Instagram screenshot @juliedupage
Valerie Roberts
Host Valerie Roberts shared several videos of the extravagant show!
Instagram screenshot @robertsval
Guillaume Lambert
“I liked it so much, I don't think I'll get over it,” wrote Guillaume Lambert, who also shared a story on Instagram about dancing his life away. The actor and director seemed excited about Madonna's show!
Instagram screenshot @guillaulammber
Sebastien Benoit
After a meal at Stanley Restaurant, the host shared great videos and photos during the great Madonna's concert!
Instagram screenshot @sebbenoit72
Tranna Wintour
The one we saw on Big Brother Celebrities couldn't miss this big night! She also shared a very positive English review of the show on her Instagram account, taken at 1am “when emotions were still at their peak!” The personality emphasized: “You can’t miss this masterpiece!”
Instagram screenshot @trannawintour
Ric'key Pageot
Madonna's pianist, Montrealer Ric'key Pageot, shared some photos throughout the evening. His stories include a nice comment in English: “Well done tonight, Montreal. 100%. #Madonna #CelebrationTour You made me proud!”
Madonna will also perform at the Bell Center on Saturday. More information can be found here.