As China and India play a double game, neither the powerful in Davos (the Global North) nor the disadvantaged in Kampala (the Global South) realize that they all have one problem: giving the international system control for structural change give. China wants a new global economic order, India wants integration and reforms of its market. We in Europe are concerned with numbers and in Italy with the Meloni-Schlein debate, not with the position in a crisis for which we are paying more than anyone else. Hope is the bridge that India wants to build between the North and the South of the world. American democracy and Europe are demonstrating their existence and recognizing that the old hierarchies have collapsed.
ADavos, the rich, gathered and did the usual catwalk. Nothing has happened in Davos for a long time. Wrong predictions are made. They don't see what's happening in the world. Apart from rare exceptions. There was the surprise about the ultra-liberal show of the Argentine President Javier Milei and the more or less humorous gymkhanas this or that in order not to deal with the Trump elephant or Russia that has taken over the Sahel. There was also the outburst of a vice-president of the European Commission who, with no sense of the ridiculous, talks about rebalancing the Italian budget, after having demanded it from the absolute majority of European countries and rejected four others, including France and the Netherlands. As if this small detail did not already mean that Europe does not exist and that those who represent it have lost sight nine times out of ten, not even noticing that two regional wars have become global, that of the South and the North of the world have organized themselves into two alternative focuses, that the global downturn and the German recession are the poisoned fruit of this overturned geopolitical framework and that their more or less consistent public financial figures represent the concentration of maximum stupidity in a world that survives only in their heads . It is not entirely clear whether there was Chinese leadership or not, but it is a fact that the Non-Aligned Movement Summit was held simultaneously with the Davos Days in Kampala, Uganda to launch the G-77 ( “Leave No One Behind”), which together account for an uncounted 60% of global GDP. China is present in Davos with its Prime Minister, who seems to be there more as a spectator than as a protagonist. In Kampala, China and India are emphasizing the weight of the Global South in the world in the strongest possible political terms and do not hide the strategic goal of claiming their increasingly important role in the Non-Aligned Movement and in the G-77. In Davos, a different story is apparently being told in a subdued manner, new steps are being announced, and a stronger commitment to the Western world is being guaranteed. Also because the annual meeting of the rich began with the realization – sometimes tortuous but objective – that globalization has changed, it has certainly not disappeared, but it has changed, caught up as it is in the new conflict between the great powers of the USA world, the weakening of Western countries and a short-sighted economic nationalism – particularly European – that survives all evidence and remains impervious to any decadence.
In turn, those leading the Non-Aligned Movement, the “extended” BRICS states that have already lost Argentina along the way, and the remnants of the G-77 gathered in Kampala feel the burden of backwardness, of the old and the new Colonialism, of a thousand economic and civil distortions. However, they sense that something is changing, they receive attention and adulation like never before, they can fall into temptations and false alliances, and they are at real risk of discovering very soon that the renewed political euphoria towards the Global South is not enough to change their minds to confront the unknown. the challenges and opportunities of a changed world order. Neither the world's rich and powerful in Davos (the so-called Global North) nor the have-nots in Kampala (the so-called Global South) realize that they have it all together, with China and India playing dual roles in the comedy. Not a general problem that needs to be discussed but resolved very soon. All three major groupings of the new world must face the problem of all problems, namely giving the international system a new government capable of managing the ongoing structural changes by turning away from the slogans of globalism and collectivism, that belong to a past in which this is not the case can come back. There is a significant, not to be underestimated, difference in the strategic goals of China and India. The first has the great ambition to review the global economic order. The second places the greatest emphasis on the integration and reforms of its national market. Of the two, China is the double game more than any other. On the one hand, China presents itself as a major player in global trade in the current world order and, on the other hand, it presents itself in Kampala as the alternative to the current order created and administered by the United States. All in all, India appears more linear and does not hide its ambition to be the bridge between the north and south of the world. We in Europe are concerned with numbers and in Italy whether or not there will be a debate between Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein. Last but not least, we don't have time to deal with the situation we find ourselves in in this ever-worsening global crisis. To understand, for example, that if we do not revive Europe, we and Europe itself will be two less important chess pieces than England itself, which is mistakenly left to its own devices. Because England is paying the price of having less and less financial resources, even if it still remains a financial center, but in any case it weighs more in the world than we do, because it has a military power that Europe and Italy do not have, and therefore you too can comment on the situation in Yemen and the Red Sea, for which we, not you, are paying the highest price.
The quality of information is an absolute commodity that requires commitment, dedication and sacrifice. Il Quotidiano del Sud is the product of this type of collective work that engages us every day with the greatest possible passion and competence.
We have a valuable asset that we defend every day and that you can check every day. This precious commodity is called freedom. We have a flag we don't want to lower. This flag is that of a South that never lies on its back and claims trampled rights, but knows and fulfills its duties.
We count on you to preserve this free voice that wants to be the flag of the South. This is the flag of reunified Italy.