Do you leave your children unattended in the car

Do you leave your children unattended in the car? – VAT news

The story of this Montreal father, whose SUV was stolen with his two children on board on Thursday evening, caused a huge public stir.

• Also read: During a commission, a Montrealer has his SUV stolen with his two children on board

The children, aged 3 and 11, were found safe after being dropped off by the thief. However, for many citizens it is unthinkable that a parent would leave their offspring unattended in a vehicle.

Our reporter asked several people the following question: “Do you ever leave your kids alone in the car while you go shopping?”

Here are some of the responses he received:

“Never. When we leave the house, we expect the children to follow us everywhere.”

“We never leave our children unattended, whether in the backyard, in the parking lot or on the boulevard.”

“No way! My children are my two eyes […] Not even 30 seconds.”

What does the law say?

Article 380 of the Highway Code states: “No person shall leave a child under 7 years of age unattended in a road vehicle.”

“It is certain that the police can intervene and issue a ticket,” explains Me Valérie Assouline, a lawyer specializing in family and juvenile law.

An incident of this nature can also end up on the desk of the Director of Child Protection (DYP).

“It is certain that the DPJ will first check whether it is not the father's habit to abandon the children. He left them there for a while, long enough for a stranger to come and take the car and confiscate the car with the children in it,” says Mr. Assouline.

The DYP should also check whether there was any interaction between the thief and the children and whether the latter were shocked or traumatized by this event.

For full explanations, see the video above.