Latitude61 The Lula governments pureblooded PT diplomacy

Latitude#61: The Lula government’s “pureblooded PT diplomacy

The diplomat Rubens Ricoperowho was Minister of Environment and Finance in Itamar Franco's government as well as Brazil's ambassador to the United Nations, said in an interview with Latitude Podcast Disagree with the “world view” of the Lula and the PT government.

For the former minister, the Lula government's current foreign policy is “pureblooded PT”.

“The foreign policy that Lula is developing today is “PT Thoroughbred”. In a government that was elected with a large alliance of forces, at least in this area, it completely obeys the worldview of the PT, which belongs to the PT Celso Amorimwhich is probably Lula’s own.”

In the interview, Ricupero criticized management and Itamaraty for not condemning the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin's forces.

“Anyone who wants to comply with international law and the United Nations Charter cannot avoid condemnation because he is a member of the BRICS or because he does not want to add grist to the mill of the United States and has a dubious attitude towards Ukraine. “It has to be clear, it has to be determined. This does not mean that we will take part in a military conflict. But we will say who the justice system works with,” he said.

The ambassador also commented on the Lula government's relations Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. He also spoke about the Argentine president Javier Milei and his project to admit his country into the OECD.

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