Trump39s good chances The antagonist

Trump's good chances The antagonist

Trump's good chances

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

Report on the new issue of the magazine Crusoesigned by Duda Teixeira, underlines the Return of Donald Trump.

His unprecedented victory in the Iowa caucuses by 30 points over second place showed that he has a strong chance of becoming the Republican Party's nominee for the November 5 general election.

In a dispute with the Democratic President Joe BidenTrump would have that same chance as your competitor to win the election.

“If the economy is the main factor determining elections, we must first understand what is happening in the United States. The main problem here is the Biden administration's good macroeconomic indicators have not yet translated into a better quality of life for Americans. Annualized inflation fell from 7.1% in July 2022 to the current 3.4%. This is great news, but it hasn't been widely celebrated there yet.

“Inflation is slower, but it still exists.” The first problem is that people hear this news and think prices will fall. But when that doesn't happen, they get upset and think they're being deceived,” says American economist Michael Walden, a professor at North Carolina State University. “Another problem is that while household incomes have increased in recent years, they have not increased enough to offset price inflation.” That means the amount of products and services the average family can buy today has always increased is even less than the amount she purchased in early 2021 or in 2020.'”

Read the full report here. Subscribe to the magazine Crusoe and support independent journalism.