1705919661 My grandson drove me crazy to take over my fortune

“My grandson drove me crazy to take over my fortune”

Sometimes there are cases that are difficult to believe in real life. Stories straight out of a soap opera. That of the protagonist of this story is not like that. She has experienced it first hand and tells it to the readers of LISTÍN DIARIO, convinced that it happens more than people think. One of her grandsons pretended to be mentally ill in order to manage, take over and squander her assets.

“My husband died and my three children never asked for money or property from me. Only the wife of one of them made hints, which my only son-in-law refuted. “He’s like a son to me.” He cries because he says he misses the good time they had when everyone got together for Sunday dinner. At this point her husband was still alive.

“It turned out that after my husband died, my eldest grandson wanted to stay with me on the outskirts of the city. “He studied business and finance and decided to help me with these subjects that I knew little about, or rather that I understand.” At that moment he smiles but without ceasing to show the sadness that the touch of this theme caused in him.

The fact is that the young man, who was 27 at the time, “made me sign a power of attorney to have control over all the assets. The only thing that never materialized was a paper giving him the house,” where he lived in my house. Country, or rather my house where I stay when I visit my country.” He tells it and his face turns red from the helplessness he still feels.

A macabre plan

The protagonist of this story confesses that she had some ailments due to her age, but over time she felt weak, she forgot things and she was not feeling well at all. “My husband was gone for almost two years and my grandson was with me for almost as long. At first everything went wonderfully. Then things took a different turn. I told him I wasn't feeling well and he never told me he was taking me to the doctor, no sir he just gave me medicine, I would fall asleep and wake up worse. Tears well up in her eyes and she decides to take some time.

“I told him I wasn't feeling well and he never told me he was taking me to the doctor.”istock

With a lump in his throat, he manages to say: “He gave me something that I can't remember the name of, apparently he increased the dose.” The trustworthy lady of the house made me tea and that gave me something Courage. My children came to visit me and always wanted to take me to the hospital, but he told them that he would take me with him, that he would take responsibility. He never did it, although he called them to tell them that everything was fine, that it was because of grief.” As he tells this, he lowers his head and when he raises it he says: “I started saying incoherent things. The service lady told me when I came to. I was scared.” Cry.

She no longer remembers exactly the fateful day she was admitted. “I just remember him insisting that they take me in, that I was crazy and dangerous. “I later found out that he had said that I had hit the waitress and that wasn't true.” She later learned that every time her children called, her grandson told her that she was sleeping and that she was feeling much better , even though she was actually in a care center for the mentally ill in the city.

When did the family find out about this?

With no certain news from their mother, two of her three children went to the ranch to see what was going on. The landlady had told them that her grandson had brought her into town to see a doctor and that she didn't know anything further. That was almost a month ago.

“When they arrived, my son, who is the father of this person who is no longer mine, and my daughter, they went crazy because they did not know where I was and were unable to communicate with him. I don't know how he found out they were there and he never answered her call again. There the beautiful family she thought she had begins to fall apart.

“I don’t even trust my shadow anymore.”

When the children of the owner of this story went to see what was really going on with their mother, they had not heard from her for about a month because they believed that their relative was taking care of them. “They lasted so long because the ranch is really far from the city and they have all the obligations,” she explains.

When they couldn't find their mother or the young man that day, they called their younger brother, who had stayed in town. They explained what was going on: “And it happened instantly, then my daughter told me. “He told her that he was almost certain that his nephew had done something wrong.” He was not wrong, and neither was the son-in-law of the protagonist of this story, which is told today thanks to the efforts of a Dominican friend named Marcia, who is the Fixed the lady's hair, wasn't wrong.

To the older brother and father whose grandmother he made this lady, and to the daughter, They had no choice but to go to the city to see where their grandson had interned them.

“They drove into the city and didn’t find me in any hospital. A doctor who was a friend of the family gave them a list to find me in the capital, and they did. “They went more than a week without locating the center or the boy.” Every time he mentions it, he finds it difficult to recover.

The day they found her

“It was the best date of my life. I treasure them, I carry them in my heart. When I saw my three children before my eyes…” He cries a lot and is expected. He calms down and continues: “I was already in my right mind. I had been detoxing from the junk he had given me that had almost ruined my brain. I had to stay there for a while because even though they thought I was crazy, they treated me very well.” He appreciates it.

Her last name helped her. Apparently her family is very well known in her country and the fact that she was related helped her get the attention she deserved. “They thought it was strange that no one would see me. Then a psychiatrist who really liked me told me that they were going to release my photo or something to see if anyone knew me because this person left me and never came back. First he paid and then he stopped. “My children had to pay a lot of money on the day I was released.” The debts she had accumulated were high and she was unable to use her money due to “inability to work due to mental health problems.”

The worst is

The situation destroyed the family. “My eldest son became ill through no fault of his own. He fell into depression, he's still in treatment, and that was almost five years ago. He divorced the mother of his three children because she always sided with those you know. In fact, we are sure that he always communicated with her and they met in the United States.” This no longer bothers him. He forgave him to feel inner peace. “But my son and the rest of the family didn’t let it go.” He’s sorry.

Another consequence of his grandson's ambition was the distrust it aroused in the family. “I don’t even trust my shadow anymore. This experience shaped me and caused trauma. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, not because of all the money we've lost because he wasted it, but because someone has been deceived by your blood and knows how serious his father is. “Thank God my three children have no ambition.” That satisfies them. His other grandchildren, six in total, are “very well-behaved, at least that’s how I see it so far.” Show your doubts.

In order to recover the deeds of some properties, it was necessary to prove what the grandson had done. He still has some wealth left, but “my children are doing very well, they are attentive and they know that I like the Dominican Republic, and here I come and spend time indefinitely with my only sister, who has been here for a long time lives.” “The one who dared to tell it finishes his story so that people become more aware and know that evil is not something out of a novel.