The train attendant simply throws the cat out of the train the animal had just been operated on and froze to death

01/22/2024 3:06 pm (current 01/22/2024 3:06 pm)

Tomcat was simply thrown out of the train and died ©canva

A cat that ran alone in a train carriage in Russia was thrown from the train by a train attendant and later found dead.

A shocking event occurred in Russia: a cat named Twiks, who was running in a train carriage, was thrown out of the train by a conductor. After an intense search, the animal was found dead, Russian media reported.

Owner reported Tomcat missing

Passengers noticed the cat running around the carriage unsupervised. The flight attendant decided to throw the animal off the train, assuming that the owner was looking for his cat at the station. It was only ten hours after Kirov's departure that the owner, who had apparently been sleeping, reported the cat missing.

Calls for the resignation of the train attendant

Russian state railway RZD apologized for the incident and announced it would change its policies. In the future, the animals will be handed over to station employees. A petition started on calls for the train attendant to be fired due to the brutal treatment of the animal. As of last night, more than 320,000 signatures had been collected.

Train attendant acceptance

The driver considered it to be a stray animal. She had asked passengers if the animal belonged to anyone, but received no answer. Russian Railways has initiated an internal procedure.

The incident occurred on January 11, 2024. Twiks was found dead about a kilometer from the Kirov railway station. He had recently undergone surgery and did not survive the freezing temperatures of the snow.