Unlike Brazil, where most political parties select their candidates through internal processes, the United States is introducing a public consultation system that allows voters to express their opinion from the outset about who will run for president of the Republic becomes.
The only two parties in the USA
The liberals of the Democratic Party currently occupy the White House, while the conservative Republicans play the role of opposition. Democrats tend to defend expanding government spending and investment, while Republicans favor reducing spending and reducing the government's presence in Americans' lives.
What are area codes?
The caucuses are the first phase of the American electoral process. They start in January and last until June. During this time, politicians conduct election campaigns, raise funds, discuss proposals, and try to convince voters to vote on a predetermined day. This precedent allows voters to get to know the precandidates better before the election.
Origin of the area codes
American assemblies are not provided for in the United States Constitution. The implementation of this system began in 1968 when Democratic voters organized to support primary candidates who opposed the system Vietnam War. The initiative was successful, and in the 1970s both Democrats and Republicans created comprehensive processes to allow voters to participate in the selection of candidates.
Primaries and caucus
In the United States, there are two voting formats for caucuses: primaries and caucuses. The primary election is similar to a regular election. At election meetings, voters must publicly express their support for a candidate. Therefore, at an event organized by the party, it is necessary to cast your vote in front of everyone present.
Candidates begin their presentations well in advance, a year before the presidential election process begins. Each state will conduct a vote to select its favorite as the party's nominee, and the overall winner will be officially determined at the Republican National Convention (RNC) a major political celebration scheduled for July 2024.
Counting and delegating
After emerging victorious in the party conference previews, the competitors emerge as the sole candidates from their respective parties, marking the start of the second phase of the electoral process. In this subsequent phase, the role of “Elector” appears, representing a delegate who will vote directly on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.
The distribution of “voters” for each of the two candidates (Democrat and Republican) is determined by the number of votes received in each state. The following system applies in practically all states: If the Republican candidate wins a majority of the popular vote, even by a narrow margin of 51% to 49%, he or she will secure all of that state's delegate votes. This puts states with larger numbers of delegates, such as California, at the center of attention from both candidates and the media.
In total, the United States has 538 delegates. The proportional distribution of delegates by state is determined by the state's representation in Congress, taking into account the number of senators and representatives. Take California, for example, which has 55 delegates due to its 2 senators and 53 representatives in Congress. To be elected, both the presidential candidate and the vice presidential candidate must receive an absolute majority of the delegates' votes, for a total of at least 270 votes.