Gaza US warn Israel after raid on UN refugee center

Gaza, US warn Israel after raid on UN refugee center Latest News

The United States “strongly supports the right to defend itself against Hamas terrorists hiding among the civilian population, but Israel retains the responsibility to protect civilians and humanitarian sites,” said US National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson .

“We are seriously concerned by reports of attacks on a UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) facility, which led to reports of fires at the building in a southern Gaza Strip neighborhood where more than 30,000 Palestinians have been displaced,” it said in a White House statement. “While we do not yet have all the details of what happened and we will continue to seek more information about today’s events,” it continued, “the loss of every innocent life is a tragedy. This conflict has already resulted in devastating deaths and injuries to tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians, and we mourn every single civilian life that has been lost. It is heartbreaking to see children killed, injured and orphaned.”

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