The editorial team Thursday, January 25, 2024, 7:37 a.m
And finally he spoke, the coffee man. Cristiano IovinoEntrepreneur and personal trainer is the one who first plunged the marriage into crisis Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi. The story is well known: he discovers her messages, she denies them and says: “It was just a coffee” (a statement is later confirmed in the documentary “Unica”), he enters the scene Noemi Bocchi and the wedding fails. In an interview with the Messaggero, Iovino comes clean for the first time and agrees. Totti (or at least Francesco's doubts) and tells his truth. “Ilary and I met through social media at the end of 2020, then we agreed to meet in person and at a Banksy exhibition they were hosting in the center of Rome at the time. We mainly saw each other at my house. And “I happened to see myself a few times in Alessia’s shop (Solidani, editor’s note) in Parioli.”
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