A study from China shows that the coronavirus variant is

A study from China shows that the coronavirus variant is 100% fatal in mice Itatiaia

According to the British newspaper Chron, Chinese scientists have conducted an experiment with a variant of the coronavirus that is 100% fatal in mice.

Symptoms reported included completely white eyes, rapid weight loss and extreme fatigue. The time between infection and death is almost half that of Covid19.

Studies related to the Chinese army warned of the potential risk of human infection, but did not provide any information about the danger of the spread of a new pandemic.

Scientists at Beijing University of Chemical Technology have cloned a Covid19like virus called “GX_P2V” found in pangolins to test on mice.

Cloning involves replicating the virus's genetic material in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory.

Pangolins are mammals native to Africa and Asia, similar to the armadillo found in Brazil.

The species has been identified as a possible intermediate host of the coronaviruslike virus, but the origin has not yet been conclusively confirmed.

The presence of the SARSCoV2like virus responsible for COVID19 in pangolins does not necessarily indicate a mutation of the coronavirus.

The discovery suggests a genetic relationship between the new virus and Covid19, possibly linked to a common ancestor.

Many viruses come from wild animals, and bats are considered natural reservoirs for several coronaviruses but the origin of SARSCoV2 has not yet been scientifically confirmed.

Risk of human infection

For the experiment, mice that were used as guinea pigs were genetically modified to estimate the risk of infection in humans.

The results surprised the researchers: all rodents infected with the pathogen died within a short period of eight days, according to the Chron.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the average time between coronavirus infection and death is 15 days. In other words, the variant can kill in virtually half the time of Covid19.

High viral loads were found in the brains and eyes of mice, suggesting that the virus spreads through the body in a different way than the coronavirus.

Symptoms reported included completely white eyes, rapid weight loss and extreme fatigue indicating serious complications due to the infection in our body.

The Chinese scientific article, which has not yet been published, warns of the risk of the “GX P2V” mutation being transmitted to humans. To assess the potential risk of infection, the test subjects received human proteins.

Warnings about the risk of virus spread are widespread in scientific studies, particularly when a variant is discovered that has a high fatality rate in animal studies.

The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of understanding the nature of the virus, its transmission characteristics and the potential risks to public health.

There is still no concrete information about whether GX_P2V has the potential to infect humans through pangolins and cause a new pandemic.

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