A Mississippi Walmart employee says she was fired after sharing a video in which she confronted a mother walking with a diaper-clad baby during a cold snap.
The woman denounced the situation on her Facebook account on Sunday by posting a photo of the toddler sitting in a shopping cart. The child was only wearing a diaper while his mother had put on a warm vest and boots.
On Sunday it was -7 in this American state.
In the video clip, another employee can be seen putting a jacket on the child before an argument breaks out.
“He can’t be here without this jacket,” one woman said.
While customers were concerned about the child's condition, the mother was filmed throwing a bag of frozen vegetables at him.
“Someone call the police,” another woman said.
The employee who shared the video claimed she lost her job after the incident.
“I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions when I posted the video. I was worried about the child's condition and pray that he is fine,” she wrote in a new post on the social network.
According to the New York Post