After leaks were announced Milei fired ministers according to the

After leaks were announced, Milei fired ministers, according to the newspaper

The departure must be official this Friday (January 26); Infrastructure Minister has differences of opinion with the chairman of the community center

According to Argentine newspapers Clarín and La Nación, Argentine President Javier Milei has decided to dismiss Guillermo Ferraro as infrastructure minister. The official announcement is scheduled to take place this Friday (January 26, 2024), less than 2 months after the government took office.

Ferraro would be responsible for relaying information from interministerial meetings held twice a week at Casa Rosada. In one of them, the president criticized the governors and promised to leave them “without a single cent.”

According to the newspapers, the fact that Ferraro had differences of opinion with the mayor of the Civic Center, Nicolás Posse, also played a role in his dismissal. He is one of the government members Milei would trust the most.

With the minister's departure, the ministry could be transformed into an economic secretariat headed by Luis “Toto” Caputo. When Milei took over the government, he halved the number of ministries. Of the 18 under the administration of Alberto Fernández, he left 9.

Reducing the size of the first level was a campaign promise from Milei. He criticized the number of ministries in the previous government. At that time he stated that his mandate would consist of eight ministers. He later decided to keep the health value and increased the total to 9.

Of the nine ministries, two were designated as “super ministries”, one of which was infrastructure, which included transport, public works, mining, energy and communications. The other part, human capital, included social development, labor and education.