For the famous woman, her brother is falsely attacked and labeled a “monster.” “You may not like him, find him annoying, criticize his false attitudes because they exist and should be discussed, but you can't close your eyes and say he's this monster they're painting, because he's not! Easy.” Imagine everyone leaving when you arrive? As if he had made a threat…” he reiterated.
Deborah Secco said the Bahian doesn't deserve what he endured on the reality show. “He is a boy with a good heart who, even if you point out the mistake, recognizes it and changes visibly inside. “He doesn’t deserve even a thousandth of what is being done to him,” he emphasized.
The actress explained that she was not one of Davis's fans and concluded: “You can't help but be outraged by this herd effect, which can completely ruin the output and lead to not very cool levels beyond the game.”
The UOL vote has no scientific character and has no influence on the result of the TV Globo program