Don Luigi Maria Epicoco Commentary on the Gospel of January

Don Luigi Maria Epicoco Commentary on the Gospel of January 28, 2024 I seek your face

“They went to Capernaum, and when Jesus went into the synagogue on the Sabbath, he began to teach.”

The synagogue is the main place of instruction. The fact that Jesus is there to teach does not cause any problems compared to the custom of the time. But there is something else that the evangelist Mark tries to emphasize in seemingly usual detail:

“And they marveled at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.”

Jesus does not speak like others. He does not speak like someone who has memorized his lesson. Jesus speaks with authority, that is, as someone who believes in what he says and therefore gives the words a completely different weight.

The sermons, catechisms, speeches, and even lectures that we subject others to often say nothing false, but extremely true and correct things. But our word seems to be like that of the scribes, without authority.

Maybe because as Christians we have learned what is right, but maybe we don't fully believe it. We give accurate information, but our lives don't seem to reflect it. It would be nice if we as individuals, but also as a church, found the courage to ask ourselves whether our word is a word spoken with authority or not.

Especially because when there is a lack of authority, all we are left with is authoritarianism, which is a bit like saying that the only way to listen to someone who has no credibility is through coercion. It is not the loud voice that gives us a place in society or contemporary culture, but authority.

And this can be seen in a very simple detail: whoever speaks with authority exposes evil and shows it the door. To remain relevant in the world, one must not compromise. Therefore, evil (which is always worldly) perceives Jesus as ruin.

Dialogue does not mean winking at the world, but rather revealing it in its deepest truth; but always and only on the path of Christ and not on the path of new crusaders.


Author: Don Luigi Maria Epicoco