Poll: 53% of Argentine population “totally reject Milei government

The image of the Argentine president is “negative” for 55% and 54% believe the country is going in the “wrong direction”. The outlook for the economy is also poor

Javier Milei in Buenos Aires

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247 A poll published this Sunday (28) by the Zuban Cordoba Institute shows that 52.8% of the Argentine population “totally disapprove” of the government of the ultraright Javier Milei. The survey continues to show a poor situation for the president's personal image and an equally negative outlook for the local economy.

The poll found that 52.8% of the population “strongly disapprove” of the government, while 36.2% “strongly approve”. Those who “approve of something” are a total of 9.5% and those who “disapprove of something” are 1.1%. Those who “don’t know” make up 0.3%. When it comes to Milei's personal image, 55.2% of respondents rate it negatively and 44.3% rate it positively.

When asked about the prospects for the country's economic and personal situation within a year, 44.3% said they expected a “bad” situation for the country and 37.6% also “bad” at home. 33.2% expect a positive situation for the country and 34.8% at home.


They said the country was moving in the “wrong direction”, with Milei citing 54.4% of respondents, while 42.3% believed it was moving in the “right direction”. Those who don't know are 2.8%.

The survey also asked who is responsible for the country's current economic situation. Former President Alberto Fernández and his Economy Minister Sergio Massa are responsible for 45.9%. Milei and current Economy Minister Luis Caputo are next with 39.1%. 14.8% believe both governments are responsible.

The survey surveyed 1,500 people between January 25th and 26th. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.53 percentage points and the confidence level is 95%.