1688242225 WHO warns DRCs health system is on the verge of

The South African community will coordinate its efforts against cholera | CMKX Radio Bayamo

WHO warns DRCs health system is on the verge of

Luanda-. Southern African Development Community (SADC) foreign ministers will hold an extraordinary meeting today to coordinate efforts to prevent and control the spread of cholera.

The debate, which will take place virtually from 2:00 p.m. local time, will be chaired by Angola's Foreign Minister, Téte António, in his capacity as Acting President of the SADC Council of Ministers, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. .

Last Saturday in Luanda, Community Health Ministers analyzed the situation of the cholera outbreak affecting some countries in the region in order to coordinate mechanisms and implement a strategic plan focused on prevention, preparation and rapid response.

According to Angolan Minister Sílvia Lutucuta, the draft includes emergency measures to contain current outbreaks and the establishment of a permanent mechanism to prevent future epidemics based on innovative insights and interventions.

On January 23, Angola's Ministry of Health declared alert level 2 out of a maximum of 3 due to the cholera epidemic in neighboring countries.

The Director of Public Health, Helga Freitas, explained that although no cases of the disease have been recorded in the national territory, the necessary measures are being taken due to the presence of the disease in neighboring states such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). ) and Zambia, both members of SADC.

Other members of the community also discovered cases, such as Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania and South Africa.

Angola also reactivated the national commission to combat cholera and analyzed the emergency plan to prevent the spread of the disease.

The country is “intensifying monitoring, preparation and training of technicians,” Freitas said, adding that the Health Ministry is making progress in setting up emergency barracks along the border.