Patrushev and Russia39s new military doctrine The war with the

Patrushev and Russia's new military doctrine: The war with the West will last a long time and “it will not stop…”

Russia is now determined to fight a war with the West to the end. You don't have to look inside birds to understand it: they tell us clearly, and it goes beyond mere propaganda, because words equal actions. Moscow has de facto developed a new military doctrine that envisages permanent war against the West and is preparing for a long duration that leaves no hope of a phantom peace. While the country has now completely converted to a war economy, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, practically the head of all Russian secret services, Nikolai Patrushev, now speaks with a certain clarity, mostly cryptically or allusively apocalyptic, but this time more concrete in his temporal references.

During a meeting at the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University (the topic was the training of technical personnel for high-tech industries), Patrushev specifically called for preparation for a long war with the West. “The Anglo-Saxons are waging a proxy war against Russia, and The war will not stop even after the end of the hot phase of the conflict in Ukraine.”, he said. “The enemy has repeatedly come into our land with fire and sword. And now the United States, NATO and its satellites, under the hands of the Nazi regime in Kiev and various mercenaries, are waging a proxy war against our people and our state, which the Anglo-Saxon world will not stop even with its end hot phase of the conflict in the Ukraine”.

In the escalation of threats, this is a decisive advance compared to the first time Patrushev explicitly addressed the issue in October 2022, when he limited himself to claiming that the West wanted to shift hostilities from Ukrainian territories to these Russians (he did then). said: “The NATO bloc is essentially at war with us, its members supply the Kiev regime with heavy weapons, ammunition, intelligence information and provide training of military specialists.” While Patrushev announced in July 2023 that, in his opinion, the West is working to foment a national separatist uprising in Karelia – according to the old KGB scheme: blame others for what you normally do or do.

However, Patrushev is not alone. And it is clear that Russian military doctrine is taking a leap forward, along the lines of: “We will continue to wage war against the West for a long time.” The National Security Council also sent Patrushev's deputy, Nail Mukhitov, to argue that the West wants to enslave Russia: “In 1941, Hitler issued a directive ordering fascist troops to wipe Leningrad from the face of the earth.” But Leningrad survived thanks to this courage and dedication of its residents and Soviet soldiers. However, the Western world has not yet understood that it is beyond its power to break the spirit and will of our people and enslave Russia.” He then moved from analysis to dire prediction: “The sacred duty” of the Russians is this , to protect traditional values ​​and educate the young generation on the example of the victories of Russian weapons. It is important to prevent attempts to rewrite history and counter political and economic pressure on Russia.” And last week, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, accused Western intelligence services of unleashing a revolution in Russia want, similar to the Euromaidan in Ukraine (which he believes was set up by the CIA). Which, he assured, he would not succeed with Russia.

The words are followed by parliamentary laws, and there are those who also think about the announcement of upcoming decrees. There is a large faction in the Duma that calls for the use of nuclear weapons in Venezuela and Nicaragua, i.e. in the “friendly” countries near the USA, explained not a passer-by, but Alexey Zhuravlev, first vice-president of the Defense Commission of the Duma: “For example, when it comes to our missiles closest to the United States, I have long been in favor of providing launch systems to our friends Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua,” he wrote on Telegram.

From this point of view, Russian propaganda is exploiting the news in the Telegraph that US nuclear warheads will be stationed at the British RAF base at Lakenheath, where they will be delivered to the UK for the first time in 15 years. In 2008, in another geopolitical era, Washington removed nuclear missiles from Britain. At that time, it was assumed that the risk of Russia going to war with the West had diminished. It was a hope or a miscalculation that many Western leaders sensationally succumbed to and – out of laziness, stupidity or interest – wanted to believe in the fairy tale of the liberal Putin.