1706710440 A nursing home employee has been arrested for defrauding two

A nursing home employee has been arrested for defrauding two retired priests of €15,000

A nursing home employee has been arrested for defrauding two

An employee of a nursing home in Avila was arrested for defrauding two of the people she cared for, both elderly priests, of more than 15,000 euros. Police contacted the center's employee after the victims' relatives reported suspicious movements and purchases on their relatives' accounts to the National Police. The arrested woman, 39 years old, was investigated a year ago because she had extorted a further 11,500 euros from another elderly person who she cared for in her private home.

According to police investigations, the person under investigation gained the trust of the users of the nursing home in Avila by exploiting his mistakes in order to obtain their bank details or financial resources. The investigation began last December when the relatives of the two retired religious reported to officials that banking transactions were taking place that contradicted their relatives' customs. The case fell to the technical crime group of the criminal investigation brigade. During the investigation, agents examined the movements and verified what type of purchases or withdrawals were made. They also collected “evidence to support this.” [la mujer investigada] “He made the refunds at various establishments,” they added in a police statement released on Wednesday.

Investigators conclude that the arrested woman “appropriated the possessions of the people detained there” and, upon obtaining their credit cards, began shopping in stores and establishments of all kinds and making “fraudulent accusations.” He defrauded one of the retired priests out of a total of 12,000 euros, while taking another 3,000 euros from the other victim.

The authorities' investigation revealed that the same man had already been arrested last year while caring for an elderly person in his private home for defrauding him of a further 11,500 euros. According to the government delegation in Ávila, the woman gave a statement at the police station and was released on charges after being taken to court.

The government has a plan to improve and prevent the safety of older people, which includes measures such as information sessions in daycare centers, residential homes or clubs. Elderly people living in a public or private center are advised to pay particular attention to the administrative and economic operations they carry out. “If you have any doubts, consult your social worker, a family member or someone you trust and ensure that they are present during the said treatment. This gives you confidence and peace of mind,” they explain. It is also advisable to have control over the possessions, not to display or disseminate their status and value and to resort to legally established public or private bodies (Red Cross, city council or non-governmental organizations) to protect the person who will hired to serve or care for them at home? Just over a year ago, another woman was arrested in Avila for stealing 80,000 euros from an elderly couple she was caring for.

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