She leaves her child alone to have fun in a

She leaves her child alone to have fun in a nightclub

A French mother left her five-year-old child alone to have fun at a nightclub in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, on Saturday.

When the alert police intervened on Boulevard de la Liberté around midnight, the little girl was alone in the family apartment in the Bellevue residential area.

It was the panicked and crying child who opened the window to raise the alarm and call for help, the Ouest-France newspaper reported on Sunday, citing France Live.

When police arrived at the scene, they contacted the thirty-year-old mother, who was dancing in a nightclub with more than one drink up her nose, according to local media.

When the child was placed in a sobering-up cell, legal proceedings were pending against the child's mother because she left her minor child alone in the middle of the night, it said.