The rural thriller by César Pérez Gellida, with which he won the Nadal Prize, is released: “The noir genre is no longer considered inferior” infobae“Violence is a very present part of my novels, it amuses me” El Norte de CastillaCésar Pérez Gellida, Nadal Prize 2024: “When I started writing crime novels, it wasn't considered literature” EL ESPAÑOLInfoBilbao, BIDEBARRIETA KULTURGUNEA WILL RECEIVE THE 2024 NADAL PRIZE NEXT WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, CÉSAR PÉREZ GELLIDA FOR HIS WORK “UNDER THE DRY LAND” bilbao.eusPérez Gellida, the Nadal who makes “rural noir” fashionable: “There is no longer a boundary between crime and literary novels” Europa Press