Jon Stewarts show on AppleTV was suddenly canceled TVA

Jon Stewart destroys Joe Biden

After a nine-year absence, Jon Stewart was back at the helm of the show on Monday night The Daily Show. The man who entertained and informed an entire generation about the political issues that divide the country has lost none of his vigor and vitriol.

He is widely described as a progressive, but has never hesitated to denigrate Democrats or the left-wing media.

This was the case last night. If he didn't spare Trump, he chastised Joe Biden harshly.

Americans can do better!

Stewart's entire first segment revolved around this question: Can't we do better than Trump and Biden?

Although it is clear that he does not have Trump in his heart, he refuses to give Biden carte blanche and repeatedly points out his slips of the tongue, his failures and the poor strategies of those around him.

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One tirade seemed to make it very clear to me how important it is to have a strong candidate to oppose Trump. Let me translate freely, but Stewart says that when the barbarians are at the gates, we want Conan defending the fortress, not the old man who loves cookies.

Jon Stewart destroys Joe Biden


This final reference refers to Biden's presence on TikTok during the Super Bowl. Instead of answering questions in front of journalists like his predecessors, the current president preferred a formula that hardly appealed to him.

As the presenter said: How to go on TikTok and look even older!!

I have repeatedly expressed my desire for Biden to remain here for just one term and fully share Stewart's concerns. Precisely because Trump is dangerous, we must ensure that Biden can reach his full potential over the next four years.

Leaving can still give up

Nine months before the election, is it too late for Biden to give up? Two journalists from the POLITICO website, Charlie Mahtesian and Steven Shepard, offered a scenario Tuesday that would elegantly allow him to do so.

He suggests continuing with the primaries, which are expected to end in a landslide victory for Joe Biden over his only rival, Dean Phillips. Once the delegates are finalized, the president could announce in June that, although he believes in his chances, he has heard the Americans and is giving up his seat.

Potential candidates could use the summer to test themselves by collecting polls, with the final vote taking place during the convention in August.

Candidates like Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer, two personalities Biden values, could be presented favorably. All that remains is the thorny issue of removing Kamala Harris, but her starvation of support would seal her fate.

It is very likely that Biden will remain the candidate for 2024, but we are not ruling out this scenario yet. If it seems far-fetched in February, it could be achievable in August.