Maggots fall on travelers39 heads during the flight between Amsterdam

Maggots fall on travelers' heads during the flight between Amsterdam and Detroit

Maggots spoiled the flight of a group of Delta customers when the larvae fell from the overhead compartment over the heads of several passengers.

The incident occurred during a flight between Amsterdam and Detroit. One person reportedly managed to bring two maggot-infested fish onto the plane.

“It was great to learn in the first two hours of an eight-hour flight that a rotten, maggot-infested fish would be traveling with us,” a passenger on the plane who had to make a stopover wrote on X in Europe to solve the problem .

The owner of the worm-infested suitcase was arrested after the plane landed. According to the Chron, the bag was said to have been cremated.

The incident also caused a lot of excitement on Delta's Reddit page.

“My family and I sat in the row directly in front of the larvae. The woman sitting behind us told the flight attendants that maggots fell on her head, said one user. I turned around and saw them fidgeting in the seat.”

This Reddit user's family was reportedly brought to the front of the plane and the fish was “wrapped in newspaper.”

“This is disgusting. The guy literally ruined the plans of hundreds of people,” he added.

According to a passenger who testified about it

According to the Chron, the device was taken out of service for disinfection.

According to the New York Post