Truth or strategy? Doubts on the Internet

The most attentive fans of the Big Brother I've noticed a few things in the last few days Rest at homeespecially opposite Beatrice Luzzi, very often criticized by others and at the center of discussions with many tenants. In fact, it seems to be happening, so to speak, these days armisticefor which even candidates who generally didn't get along with Beatrice at all (like Anita Olivieri, Massimiliano Varrese And Rosy chin) continue to appear much more frequently soft, courteous And peaceful in his greetings. Have they finally found peace or is there something else behind this behavior? The video of a detail dialog at home it raised some doubts, and according to many fans This ceasefire “smacks” a bit of strategy. Let's look at it in detail.

Girlfriend Mirko Brunetti scolds the competitors: “You have to be lighter and more relaxed”

The change of direction of some tenants Beatrice Luzzi it started especially after returning home Mirko Brunetti, guest for a few days. In fact, he himself confronted others with the topic and also criticized it pearl and advised her to start different attitudes towards Beatrice.

“You have to be lighter and more relaxed. Remember, I’ve been here before and I speak for this too,” he said Mirko to the other tenants. A piece of advice that was apparently heeded so much that a new piece of advice was created at home harmony even for those who previously couldn't last longer than five minutes. A truce, however doesn't entirely convince fans who follow the program daily.

Big Brother, peace found: But a video raises doubts

This new one Harmony that reigns in the house He awakens many Doubt. In particular, a video that a Conversation between Massimiliano Varrese, Anita Olivieri and Rosy Chinleaves fans speculating that this truce is the outcome strategy.

“Always remember that we are in a different mode now. Even though we might want to respond a certain way, we don't try, we don't do it, or we do it differently,” he says Varrese in the video in question.

“Naturally! The mode we have had in the last few days. And then, among other things, there is no plan B, it's just the way it is, then I'm tired and can't take it anymore,” she said promptly Anita.

Based on this dialogue, the question then arises: Have the competitors finally decided to lower their weapons? Experience the experience more carefree and harmoniousor, after understanding that Beatrice is popular with the public, They just try to keep it quiet to stay in the game?

Keep following the Big Brother We will certainly have the answer soon.