The ALBA-TCP Heads of State and Government thanked Ambassador Félix Plasencia for the excellent work he has done at the helm of the Executive Secretariat over the last year
Jorge Arreaza. (Photo: ALBA-TCP).
The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America and the People's Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) announced on February 19 the appointment of Venezuelan diplomat Jorge Arreaza as secretary general of the integration bloc.
The heads of state and government of the ALBATCP member countries “are pleased” to announce Arreaza at the head of the group of countries and indicated that he will implement “an ambitious work plan,” they said in a statement.
This includes the ALBA-TCP 2030 strategic agenda, which aims to improve “the extraordinary momentum” in the alliance’s comprehensive consolidation process in the coming years.
The text emphasized that the new executive secretary was tasked with coordinating measures to “revitalize the cooperation architecture” of the region by promoting commercial exchanges and logistics chain development.
It will also work to expand air and sea connectivity; the universalization of social inclusion programs and the expansion of the Banco del Alba in terms of members, assets and credit capacity.
It will also give new impetus to Petrocaribe and promote its convergence with other regional development cooperation mechanisms. among other things, the specified text.
The ALBA-TCP Heads of State and Government thanked Ambassador Félix Plasencia for the excellent work he has done at the helm of the Executive Secretariat over the last year.
Arreaza served as Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic (2013-2016), Foreign Minister of Venezuela (2017-2021), Head of Science, Technology and Innovation (2011-2013) and of Municipalities and Social Movements (2022-2024). ).