The vocal secrets of parrots: between imitation and communication

If people can sometimes talk like parrots, do parrots talk like people? Some species of parrots are impressive because of their ability to imitate sounds, which gives the impression of talking to a human. However, it is important to note that this imitation is not speech in the strict sense.

The man speaks, the parrot repeats. This bird cannot speak our language, but it can imitate it, sometimes with astonishing accuracy. Although not all parrot species are endowed with this imitation genius, some can reproduce a large number of natural sounds. A talking parrot is a master of imitation! In South America, Amazon parrots have good hearing, can mimic a range of sounds, and live in a constant cacophony. However, the sounds produced by parrots are not language in themselves. They have simply developed exceptional hearing that allows them to reproduce the sounds of their surroundings.

What breeds of talking parrots are there?

The parrot is monogamous, stays with the same partner throughout its life and therefore has to develop particularly good hearing in order to recognize the cry of its partner in the constant hustle and bustle that surrounds it. He would also use his talent as a mimic to attract his predators. These birds are vigilant, they warn each other at the slightest suspicion of threat, so much so that in the wild it is very difficult to study their way of communication within the species.

These birds have good hearing, but not all of them have the same ability to speak human language. There are different types of talking parrots. The most talented are the Amazons, but also the Jaco parrot and the greater Eclectus parrot. The famous talking parrot Alex, who died in 2007, could pronounce 150 English words and understood more than 1,000. For example, he could express the name of the color shown to him. On the other hand, neither Alex nor any talking parrot have yet developed grammatical skills, so we cannot speak of language.

How long does a parrot live?

In general, parrots are long-lived birds that can live in captivity for several decades. Some species of parrots, such as macaws and cockatoos, can live 50 to 70 years, and in some cases even longer. Other species, such as budgies, have a shorter life expectancy, typically between 5 and 10 years in captivity. A parrot's lifespan also depends on factors such as care, diet, environment and the bird's overall quality of life.