DolarToday published the value of the dollar in Venezuela in the yearE.g. 38,38for today, Wednesday, February 21, 2024, according to the latest update on its website. On his partDollar MonitorSet the dollar average toE.g. 37.78. The price of the dollar in the country acts as a crucial economic indicator, reflecting both the current situation of the foreign exchange market and economic challenges and expectations Venezuela.
In addition, according to the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), the official dollar rate is36.23 bolivarsdigital, which has a clear difference from the values found on the unofficial market. This contrast between official and parallel market prices highlights the complexity of the Venezuelan economy. In this context, the Bitcoin dollar turns out to be another option in the foreign exchange market to be traded37.72 bolivarsdigital, adding an additional dimension to the country’s diverse economy.
YOU CAN SEE: BCV Dollar TODAY, Tuesday, February 20: What is the dollar price in Venezuela?
DolarToday today, Wednesday, February 21st: Price of the dollar
The portal dollars today Set a priceE.g. 38,38per dollar today, February 21st.
Find out the price of the dollar in Venezuela, according to Dolartoday for today, February 21, 2024. Photo:
Dollar monitor for today, Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Dollar Monitor reflects an average ofE.g. 37.78for every dollar, according to the latest update.
Dollar Monitor today, February 21: Price of the dollar in Venezuela. Photo:
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What is the price of the BCV dollar TODAY, Wednesday, February 21, 2024?
HeBCV dollarswas listed36.23 bolivars. The rate represents a weighted average derived from the daily operations of the active trading departments of the participating banking institutions. In this way the US currency shows slight stability after months of strong fluctuations. As mentioned earlier, it closed 2023 with a 105% increase compared to the previous year.
BCV dollar price TODAY, February 21, 2024. Photo: Twitter / @BCV_ORG_VE
DolarToday and Monitor Dólar: thermometer of the foreign exchange market
dollars today And Dollar Monitor These are two platforms that have become increasingly important in an economic context Venezuela. DolarToday, a Venezuelan-American media company, provides financial and political information with a focus on the price of the dollar in the parallel market.
On his part Dollar Monitor is dedicated to publishing the daily average of the dollars in the informal marketand becomes a reference for those who want to understand market fluctuations.
As the country navigates these economic challenges, the dollar remains an important indicator of the country's financial health. Venezuela.
What is DolarToday and Dollar Monitor?
Dollars today:This Venezuelan-American media company has become a reference for the value of the dollar Parallel marketprovides updated data affecting the Venezuelan economy.
Dollar Monitor:With the daily publication of the dollar average, this platform is essential for those who want to understand the dynamics of the forex market Venezuela.
What are home bonds?
The Venezuelan government is continuing its program Home bonds, with the aim of supporting various population groups in the face of the economic situation. Four types of bonuses were granted in September 2023:
- Bonus against economic war for civil servants: 945 bolivars.
- Bonus against the economic war for pensioners in the public sector: 1,545 bolivars.
- Youth job bonus: 168.80 bolivars.
- We are Venezuela Bonus: 168.80 bolivars.
- These bonds represent direct aid to Venezuelans, although the government has not yet announced specific dates for the delivery of the next subsidies.