The artificial intelligence of video games is learning to recognize

The artificial intelligence of video games is learning to recognize what we feel when we play

Artificial intelligence (AI) has developed significantly in recent years. One of his most spectacular advances is the so-called emotional AI or affective AI.

But What exactly is emotional AI? Essentially, it is a type of AI that not only processes data and performs tasks, but also has the ability to recognize, interpret, and respond to human emotions. That is, an AI that, for example, not only understands what you say, but also how you feel when you say it.

This revolutionary technology is slowly making its way into the world of video games and changing the way we experience them. In them, emotional AI promises a richer and more immersive experience. How about playing a game that suits your mood? A game that responds to your joy, your frustration or your sadness? We're talking a level of personalization and emotional connection never seen before in this environment.

New levels of experimentation

One of the central aspects of affective AI is its Ability to recognize, understand and adapt to player emotions.

This is achieved through algorithms, neural networks and data processing methods. evaluate inputs such as facial expressions, vocal tones and physiological signals. The goal is to build a system that not only understands human emotions in real time, but also personalizes its reactions based on those emotions.

A groundbreaking example of this technology is Façade, an interactive game in which communication with virtual characters takes place via online chat. The game's emotional AI interprets player reactions to customize character reactions, creating a dynamic and personal experience. Another notable example is The Last of Us, where the AI ​​adjusts the intelligence and behavior of enemies in response to the player's actions. If the player acts aggressively, the opponents become more defensive, adapting to their strategy and emotional state.

In the realm of simulators, Sims 4 uses affective AI to control virtual characters' reactions to various situations. Sims can experience a wide range of emotions, such as happy, sad, or angry.based on events in their virtual lives, enriching the player experience with a wider range of interactions.

In the Nemesis system in Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the AI ​​dynamically adapts the narrative and interactions based on the player's actions. So, Enemies remember their previous encounters with the player and react differently in future confrontations.

Emotional AI also opens up new frontiers in more narrative games like Detroit: Become Human. Inside, Each choice not only changes the plot, but is also influenced by the player's emotional state. Would you make the same decisions if you were angry or sad, calm or nervous? AI can subtly but profoundly adjust the story based on detected emotions.

Ethical issues

Beyond entertainment, Affective AI has the potential to revolutionize therapy through video games. Games like Celeste, which address issues such as anxiety and depression, are even more effective by adapting to the player's emotions in real time, providing a personalized therapy experience.

However, the use of this technology is not without challenges. Data protection and ethics are key concerns in integrating affective AI into video games. As we move toward an era where games can “read” our emotions, the question is: To what extent are we willing to allow this technology to invade our minds? This question perhaps goes beyond simply recognizing emotions. This involves thinking about how our emotions are collected, stored and used.

This in turn raises important privacy issues. How do game developers ensure this sensitive data is safe and secure? What measures are taken to ensure that this information is not misused, for example for targeted advertising or forms of emotional manipulation to monetize games? It is crucial to set clear boundaries and transparency guidelines for users.

Furthermore, ethics when using this technology is of utmost importance. Could a game change its difficulty or content in a way that manipulates players emotionally, thereby making them play longer? How do you manage to create a captivating and immersive gaming experience while respecting the player's emotional autonomy?

The responsibility for handling this data lies with both developers and regulators. There must be clear guidelines and strict regulations to ensure that emotional AI in video games is developed and used in a way that benefits players without compromising their privacy or well-being.

The regulation that will come

Currently, the use of affective artificial intelligence in video games is not clearly defined in a global framework, but rather This depends on the jurisdiction of each country and the specific context of the video game.

Regulations that might apply to affective AI in video games generally fall under this broader legal framework related to privacy, consumer protection, intellectual property and ethics in technology. For example, in the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) could impact how users' emotional data is collected, processed and stored by games that use these affective AIs. Specifically, the European Union is in the process of regulating artificial intelligence, which includes aspects that could impact the use of affective AI in video games, although the legislation does not specifically address this application.

Definitely, Emotional AI has the potential to redefine our relationship with technology and make it more human, more sensitive and more connected to our life experiences. Video games are not only a window into imaginary worlds, but also a mirror that responds to the depth of human experience.

Ricardo Fernandez Rafael University of Deusto

This article was provided by The Conversation

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