1708828404 The Rifle Doctors The Montreal Journal

The Rifle “Doctors” | The Montreal Journal

Among the jobs that many fans dream of, that of rifle and shotgun “doctor” is very common.

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Until 2015, the École d'armerie du Québec in Maniwaki offered courses to obtain a professional diploma in firearms repair.

Faouzi Younes completed extensive training and received his certification with distinction in 2010. Since he was highly valued by the management, he was offered the position of professor and head of the teaching program.

Unfortunately, due to government cuts, the school ended this type of training in 2015. Faouzi then realized that there was no longer a place in Canada where one could acquire the necessary skills to become a gunsmith.

Faced with this sad observation, Mr. Younes and his brother Nehme, who comes from Laval, decided in 2016 to go into business for themselves and found their own highly specialized school. After several legal proceedings, including with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Sûreté du Québec, they settled in the industrial area of ​​Laval.


The dynamic team trains students of various levels full-time. Before considering moving forward and beginning an intensive program, all aspirants who hold a Firearms Possession and Acquisition Permit (PPA) are invited to complete three prerequisite courses.

Module 101 explains all the details you need to know to thoroughly clean weapons and maintain them in general. In block 201, students learn everything they need to know about safe charging.

During this phase, participants are even invited to make their own ammunition, which is then analyzed in the laboratory. The following training focuses on all sighting systems.

Members complete these courses in the evenings and weekends for enjoyment, to improve their skills, or to prepare for a future career.

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Faouzi Younes (center) from Gunsmith Canada gunsmithing school is surrounded by students learning the basics of gunsmithing. “Photo provided by Patrick Campeau”


Block 401 is designed for candidates who truly want a career in this specialty. If the requirements are met, the student can conduct an interview in the form of an assessment to determine whether he is sufficiently qualified and, above all, whether he has noble intentions.

Gunsmith Canada gunsmith school places a strong emphasis on compliance with all regulations, provincial and federal requirements in order to develop a respectful and highly skilled next generation.

The next six modules, still in person and in workshops, have a total duration of 120 hours. Trainees then gain a detailed insight into all types of mechanisms, including how they work, assembly, disassembly and repair. This segment is crucial, even essential, for the continuity of learning.

The participants then learn more about stocks during the training, be it about the raw materials such as wood or aluminum, their cutting or the final adjustment to the barrel.


At this point, aspiring gunsmiths set out to learn everything they could about welding, whether it was installing a vented strip or making modifications or repairs.

Then it is processed. Graduates will be introduced to metal lathes for threading and chambering barrels, as well as milling for anything involving custom bores.

The focus of course 902 is primarily on finishing in the form of bluing or Cerakote in order to generate a great look and, above all, lasting protection.

At the end of the various sessions, a 200-hour internship is offered to further master the intricacies of the profession.


After graduation, several channels are used to place gunsmiths and guide them into a new career. Most of them will work for national defense, for a police force, for a firearms manufacturer, for a service center, for a hunting and fishing shop or eventually start their own business with their own banner.

In the premises at 908 Rue Michelin in Laval there is also a specialized shop where you can buy or find out about the different types of hunting weapons as well as a wide range of related equipment.

There is also an on-site workshop specializing in restoration, repair, legal modifications, tailoring to different sizes or even specific disabilities, customization, etc.

Certain families who have inherited rifles or shotguns sometimes require their services for anything related to transferring, storing, pricing, selling, etc. Faouzi and Nehme also handle all firearms insurance claims and cases. For more information, call 450 967-0555 or visit www.gunsmithcanada.com.

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