Turmoil in Trumpland How giggling Gilded Age families in Palm

Turmoil in Trumpland: How giggling Gilded Age families in Palm Beach are discovering “new money” amid a furious battle to keep out “invading Barbies in pink Rolls-Royces poaching nannies and snapping up top plastic surgeons.”

On glittering Palm Beach, a battle rages between old and new money as long-time residents lament new arrivals shaking up the island's culture.

The struggle began during the first wave of Covid-19, as newcomers poured in from areas like New York City to escape pandemic-era restrictions.

In addition to the sandy beaches and warm weather, many were excited by Florida's famously low tax rate and the prospect of cheaper, larger properties.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Palm Beach County's population grew by about 13 percent between 2010 and 2020. These include the neighboring city of West Palm Beach and Boca Raton.

However, with the arrival of the offspring came an undeniable excitement.

Palm Beach County's population grew by about 13 percent between 2010 and 2020 as newcomers poured in from areas like New York City to escape COVID lockdowns

Palm Beach County's population grew by about 13 percent between 2010 and 2020 as newcomers poured in from areas like New York City to escape COVID lockdowns

An example of “old money” clothing. An example of the “New Money” clothing style.

However, the arrival of the “new money” – which dresses differently and likes to flaunt its wealth, as long-time residents say – has shaken things up on the island

However, the new and old blood may not be as different as they think, especially when it comes to politics;  Palm Beach remains overwhelmingly Republican, and Donald Trump's influential supporters are in full force.  (Pictured: Trump's Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach estate)

However, the new and old blood may not be as different as they think, especially when it comes to politics; Palm Beach remains overwhelmingly Republican, and Donald Trump's influential supporters are in full force. (Pictured: Trump's Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach estate)

“Old Palm Beachers giggle as they watch women new to the scene arrive in pink, yes, pink Rolls-Royces, like a battalion of invading Barbies — a shocking display in a city accustomed to understated wealth “wrote journalist Daisy Prince in a recent Vanity Fair piece.

“This new migration has brought with it a host of horror stories – of newcomers poaching nannies, snatching start times and appointments for cosmetic surgery, and giving off an overall tone of rudeness and inconsideration.”

According to a Forbes ranking, Palm Beach was Florida's 10th wealthiest city last year, with a median household income of $332,764 and a staggering median home value of $1,523,100.

But even though the newcomers have money, they lack a certain element of class, longtime residents point out – pointing to their flashy Lamborghinis and their dark tans.

Arrivals from the far north also brought their culture with them, causing locals to turn up their noses. This includes a new line of restaurants such as Harry's, a spin-off of the popular Wall Street restaurant.

One local scoffed to Vanity Fair that Northerners “live their lives with no knowledge or even curiosity about others who are not like them, and associate only with people like them.”

Some long-time residents have decided to leave the island entirely. A real estate executive told Vanity Fair that he and his wife returned to the area for 50 years before deciding never to return.

“Palm Beach always had a certain snobbery about it, but there was also a gentility,” said the man, who wished to remain anonymous.

“Ladies went to lunch, from the beach club to the Everglades to the Ta-boo. But now it's like they've been evicted and have to retreat to their homes.”

Some businesses on the island have learned to adapt.  Built in 1947, the Colony Hotel has hosted events for Vogue and Gwyneth Paltrow in recent years to appeal to younger audiences

Some businesses on the island have learned to adapt. Built in 1947, the Colony Hotel has hosted events for Vogue and Gwyneth Paltrow in recent years to appeal to younger audiences

The building was recently painted a cheerful pink, making it an ideal location for photo ops

The building was recently painted a cheerful pink, making it an ideal location for photo ops

Another man – described as an “influential figure in the arts” – told Vanity Fair: “I hate it now,” adding that he was thinking about moving to the Hamptons full-time.

“Palm Beach has been overrun by newcomers,” he continued. “And the people are all mentally thin. “My wife and I are hungry for a cultural and intellectual life.”

However, the new and old blood may not be as different as they think, especially when it comes to politics. Many of the Covid refugees are Republicans who were in the ranks of like-minded MAGA fanatics.

And while there are hardly any sightings of Trump in Palm Beach — “He eats at Mar-A-Lago,” one resident said — many of his supporters are out in force.

Developer Stephen Ross, a billionaire real estate magnate responsible for much of the revitalization of neighboring West Palm Beach, was a key supporter of the former president.

The same goes for Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, and investor Nelson Peltz, who chairs the board of directors of Wendy's.

Trump held fundraisers for conservative groups on the island, but Democrats like California Gov. Gavin Newsom and representatives from Massachusetts and Pennsylvania also stopped by.

Amid the divide between old and new money, some companies have focused their efforts on the newcomers.

Built in 1947, the Colony Hotel was recently repainted an Instagrammable pink. Customers can also purchase logoed goods online.

In the past, the hotel has hosted a dinner for Vogue, a party for Martha Stewart's CBD Gummy Bears, and a celebration of the 15th anniversary of Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop – all moves that could be seen as incorporating pop culture and concepts familiar to younger generations are.

Palm Beach was Florida's 10th wealthiest city last year, with a median household income of $332,764 and a median home value of $1,523,100

Palm Beach was Florida's 10th wealthiest city last year, with a median household income of $332,764 and a median home value of $1,523,100

An example of “old money” clothing. A typical “new money” style

Since taking over the Colony, owner Sarah Wetenhall said the Palm Beach community has become younger and more diverse, while the average age of guests has dropped by several decades

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Membership fees for private clubs across the island continue to rise as newcomers fight to land at the epicenter of the social scene

“The momentum started before Covid and then accelerated,” owner Sarah Wetenhall told Travel and Leisure. The third-generation Palm Beach resident purchased the hotel in 2016 with her husband, Andrew.

“Anyone who has thought about moving here has responded in full force during the pandemic,” Wetenhall said.

Since taking command of the colony, she has seen the Palm Beach community become younger and more diverse. The average age of hotel guests has fallen by several decades.

“For a lot of people, the veil has been lifted on Palm Beach and it's more accessible,” Wetenhall explained.

Another shift can be seen in the island's private clubs, which have long served as symbols of wealth, status and connections.

A new name on the block is Carriage House, a club specifically aimed at the affluent Generation X, which opened in April 2022.

Carriage House describes itself as “a modern take on a classic English social club” with colorful decorations such as leopard-print ceilings and brightly colored furniture.

The dining club will be closed for six months. It has not yet reached older institution status and only has 231 members. Many come from New York and Europe and have spent $250,000 to be at the epicenter of the social scene.

But despite locals' disdainful comment that the club looks like it was made for social media, people are vying to get in – knowing there's nothing more humiliating than being left out in the cold.

This competition is reflected in increasing membership fees across the island. As more newcomers struggle to get in, certain clubs are raising the bar for admission.

Old Money Style. “New money” dressed

A TikTok page titled “Class of Palm Beach” serves as a new-age version of the Palm Beach Daily News, documenting the everyday outfits of people on the island

Palm Beach's sandy beaches, warm weather and notoriously low property taxes attracted thousands to the island during the first wave of Covid-19

Palm Beach's sandy beaches, warm weather and notoriously low property taxes attracted thousands to the island during the first wave of Covid-19

“Palm Beach has long had a tension between new and old,” said designer Celerie Kemble, who grew up in Palm Beach.

Despite others' observations of a socio-cultural shift, she insists the community has retained its “inherent identity” to this day.

Instead of being destroyed, cultural icons are being reinvented. For example, a TikTok page titled “Class of Palm Beach” serves as a new-age version of the Palm Beach Daily News, a local newspaper full of photos of the super-rich.

The aim of the account is to capture what people on the island wear on a daily basis. Even online, they are not immune from scrutiny as clever commentators draw conclusions based on their behavior and clothing style.

About a woman: “That's old money.” So classy.'

About another: “She seems to be newer money as far as prices and everything.”

The report is the brainchild of 28-year-old Devorah Ezagui, who lived in Palm Beach for part of her childhood and returned last year.

When looking for people to feature, Ezagui looks for those who have “really purposefully designed their outfit.”

“People try to look for inspiration,” she told the New York Times.

It remains to be seen whether Palm Beach's infrastructure will be able to handle the new surge of arrivals as available space continues to shrink

It remains to be seen whether Palm Beach's infrastructure will be able to handle the new surge of arrivals as available space continues to shrink

The bridges over the Intracoastal Waterway are bustling with commuters heading to work in neighboring West Palm Beach (pictured).

The bridges over the Intracoastal Waterway are bustling with commuters heading to work in neighboring West Palm Beach (pictured).

It remains to be seen whether the island's infrastructure can handle the new influx of people.

This burden is reflected in the complaints of long-time residents, including the difficulty of enrolling children in one of the few private schools.

Palm Beach has no public transportation system and available space is becoming increasingly limited. The waterways are teeming with yachts and the bridges over the Intracoastal Waterway are bustling with commuters.

“It used to be that old wealth woke up on the island all the time and never came to West Palm for work,” said Kelly Smallridge, president and CEO of the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County.

“The difference now is that you’re not dealing with an average age of 75. You're dealing with a 42-year-old with an Ivy League education and three kids who bought a house on the island for $8 million and has to come over to West Palm every day for a job.'

Steps are being taken to ease congestion, albeit gradually. The Coast Guard and elected officials implemented new rules to reduce the number of times either bridge could be raised during rush hour.

And it's not all doom and gloom. Some long-time residents are excited to welcome new blood to the neighborhood.

“It still feels like home to me, and there are a lot more interesting people,” said Celerie Kemble, an interior designer and Palm Beach native.

Nick Hissom, co-founder of the Aktion Art gallery, echoed her sentiments.

“There was definitely a lot more diversity, inclusion, young people, a mix of ages, cultures and industries,” he added.