Despite her success and the love the public has shown her for almost five years, Christine Morency still fears that her career will just be a flash in the pan.
During the show “La vérité nature” on Sunday evening, comedian Jean-Philippe Dion confided that he still has difficulty accepting his success. “I can't believe this is happening to me. “There's a part of me that still feels too privileged to make a living doing something I'm passionate about and don't want to work for,” she said.
“It's been five years, it's still new, but I'm still afraid it's a flash in the pan,” she continued.
Return to his burnout
Before taking the plunge into humor, Christine Morency first attended theater school before working as a support worker for homeless women. To satisfy her passion for acting and performing, she participated in several improv leagues every week, but never had the idea to tell herself that she would become a comedian one day.
“I tell myself it won't work, or I tell myself I can't waste this dream if I try and it doesn't work,” she said across the island.
“At a certain moment [j’ai fait un] Burn out. My routine was: I arrive at our house, it's 4 a.m., I turn off the lights, I undress, I go to bed, I cry until I fall asleep, I get up the next morning, I leave to work,” added the comedian, who sold more than 100,000 tickets for his first solo show, “Grace.”
During the episode, Christine Morency also talked about her parents' separation when she was just 5 years old, her toxic relationship with her stepmother, and the shell she built up at a very early age that she's cracking much more now .
The true nature can be reproduced on TVA+.