1708973130 The wait for three thousand stranded people is over

The wait for three thousand stranded people is over

updated on February 26, 2024, 6:12 p.m

The cholera alert has been lifted and the Norwegian Dawn, a ship owned by the Norwegian cruise line, can finally dock in Port Luis with its 2,184 passengers and 1,026 crew members. In fact, tests on the 15 isolated people on board with intestinal symptoms ruled out the presence of cholera. The Mauritian authorities have given the green light for docking.

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The wait is over for the over 3,000 people who were there I'm stuck on a cruise ship off the coast of Mauritius due to a Possible cholera outbreak on board of the ship. The alarm has actually been lifted and the “Norwegian Dawn”, a ship owned by the Norwegian cruise company, can finally dock in Port Luis with its 2,184 passengers and 1,026 crew members. The green light was given after the test results of the 15 people isolated on board with symptoms that suggested a cholera outbreak. In fact, all 15 tested negative: they would be victims of another type of gastroenteritis.

The warning was triggered in the last few days after the ship stopped in South Africa. In fact, some passengers returning from land tours began to suffer from various ailments such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. The doctors on board therefore ordered her immediate isolation in the cabin and at the same time notified the authorities on land for the necessary tests. Mauritian authorities initially blocked the ship to avoid public health risks.

As a Dutch passenger on board and the shipping company itself confirmed, there was a suspicion that guests with symptoms could be victims of the cholera bacteria. Consequently 15 people were isolated on board, including a crew member. In the meantime, however, no one was able to leave the cruise ship, which was scheduled to end the tour on Sunday and begin a new one.

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The ship arrived in Mauritius on Saturday afternoon, but a day early as it did not dock on Reunion Island for the same reason. In fact, the French Indian Ocean department refused to dock on Friday and the commander had set course for the next target, which was reached at 6 p.m. the following day. After saying no to embarking and disembarking, The ship is stopped offshore and awaits test results which were drawn up yesterday by doctors sent on board and will be announced tomorrow.

At least at the same time Another two thousand people were waiting to board from the same island for the cruise tour. “The health and safety of passengers and the country as a whole is of utmost importance to the authorities,” the Mauritius Port Authority said.

In the last few months they have actually occurred Several cholera epidemics in southern Africa, with Zambia being the most affected country. According to the United Nations, at least 188,000 people have been infected with cholera and more than 3,000 people have died in seven southern African countries since January 2023. The situation has now been clarified and the new travelers will embark on Tuesday after the passengers have disembarked.