1709469571 Aurore Berge39s investigation into smug ties to Hamas remained inconclusive

Aurore Bergé's investigation into “smug” ties to Hamas remained inconclusive

Bergé's investigation (here in January) into THOMAS SAMSON / AFP Bergé's investigation (here in January) into “smug” ties to Hamas remained inconclusive


Bergé's investigation (here in January) into “smug” ties to Hamas remained inconclusive

POLITICS – No exploitation. But no results either. The Minister in charge of Equality between Women and Men, Aurore Bergé, defended this Saturday March 2nd her idea of ​​cutting subsidies for feminist associations after making “ambiguous comments” on the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7th but admitted that his investigation had revealed nothing.

Aurore Bergé announced in mid-February that the government would “review” the statements related to the unprecedented attack on all feminist associations on October 7th.

EDF takes part in Neom a futuristic megalopolis project in

Ultimately, the audit by the administration did not make it possible to discover comments “among those financed by the state” that were considered ambiguous by the associations, explained the Minister Delegate for Equality for Women and Rubber in an interview with Le Parisien.

Bergé wanted to “send a message”

So why initiate such an investigation? “I wanted to guarantee it. And above all, I wanted to send a clear message,” she explained and continued, “that it is not possible to subsidize clubs that glorify Hamas’ terrorist crimes.”

When asked about the “instrumentalization” denounced by associations, Aurore Bergé replied that “we cannot have selective outrage.” “Anyone can completely contradict the government, it is even an absolute freedom and I am also the guarantor of it.” On the other hand, let us stand together when women are targeted because they are women! “, She said.

EDF takes part in Neom a futuristic megalopolis project in

Furthermore, as a new #MeToo movement rocks French cinema, Aurore Bergé announced that she would launch “a mission on gender equality with all ministries” – health, culture, sport, civil service and equality between women and men sexual violence.”

Objective? “Understand the mechanisms at work to change the rules wherever hierarchical rule is exercised, where there is a relationship of authority. Counterforces and protective measures must be created everywhere,” she urged. This mission, which will be officially launched “in the coming days”, will take place over “three months” and will be monitored by “six experts”, the minister's entourage told the AFP news agency.

Finally, when Aurore Bergé was asked about a recent decree issued by Bruno Le Maire canceling 7 million euros in loans for gender equality, she assured that it was “never about the question of violence” (sexist and sexual in nature ) Will go. “I am very clear about this: this is the big reason for the two five-year terms of office of the President of the Republic.”

See also on HuffPost:

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