1652559669 war between Ukraine and Russia the M5 will ask as

war between Ukraine and Russia, the M5 will ask “as soon as possible” for a parliamentary vote on sending the …

It will not be Thursday, May 19 at the time of disclosure Mario Draghi, but the M5s will ask that this be done as soon as possible. After the tensions of the past few days, sources at the 5-Star Summit let it be known that the front runner Giuseppe Conte he does not waive the request for a political speech by Parliament on the conflict in Ukraine. But right now it’s not going to hit the wall because it’s already next week. Meanwhile today Enrico Letta has outlined a legislative horizon stretching to the natural end of next year and the former Premier M5s have joined. A sign that their outputs are not aimed at leaving the majority, but are part of an attempt to differentiate themselves from the allies as much as possible. The stability of the executive branch was threatened today by Matteo Salvini, who said on the sidelines of his congress in Rome that he was “against” Finland and Sweden joining NATO, unleashing the accusations of the Dem. Then the declaration was partially revoked.

Salvini: “Bringing NATO to the borders with Russia does not bring peace any closer.  Should Italy say no to Sweden and Finland?  It's not today's topic

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Salvini: “Bringing NATO to the borders with Russia does not bring peace any closer. Should Italy say no to Sweden and Finland? It’s not today’s topic”

In the evening it was time 5 star clockwork to spread some indiscretion about the next steps. “At the earliest possible time in the parliamentary calendar,” said internal circles near the top, “The M5 will ask for a vote that can define a clear strategy for Italy not only in relation to arms sales to Ukraine, but also in relation to the position to be taken in international forums, on the war and on diplomatic efforts to negotiate”. The how and when is still unclear and M5’s sources have revealed that they are considering which tool to use. The parliamentary decree in fact, voting on the occasion of the disclosure is not planned by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, on Thursday in the Chamber and Senate. The movement, which on May 3 asked for communications from the prime minister to be carried out “as a matter of urgency”, announced that it “welcomes the transformation of Thursday’s ‘premier’ into information on the further development of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine , “a procedure that allows at least a debate in the chamber and the possibility of understanding the different positions of the political forces”.

Calenda: “Campo Largo with the M5s?  Impossible to create a front going from the Socialists to Fi.  next government?  Far-reaching agreements with Prime Minister Draghi

See also

Calenda: “Campo Largo with the M5s? Impossible to create a front going from the Socialists to Fi. next government? Far-reaching agreements with Prime Minister Draghi”

Whether with or without a vote, next week will still decide. Wednesday Mario Draghi will open the doors of the Palazzo Chigi to the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, knowing full well that the League is not so convinced about the new NATO entrants. Despite the League’s doubts, the government’s official position remains that of Minister in charge, the holder of foreign affairs Luigi di Maio: “Italy strongly supports NATO accession of Sweden and Finland”. Then on Thursday there is the information with the unknown factor of the behavior of the M5, which confirmed the intention to come to a vote on the conflict. If so, the Democratic Party “will not evade the vote,” said Letta, who then returned to “an appeal to everyone so that the unity of Italian political forces continues“Thinks first of the M5, government allies and companions in the progressive coalition. Who were warned: ‘This is the last government in the legislature – that’s Letta’s position – if it fell, it would go to the vote'”. Indeed not just five stars. On the Nazareno, all the distinctions line up, from those of the IV about justice to those of the League about sea resorts, with tensions about the land register also of Fi. “I want to unite – said Salvini. Today we do not divide, I tell politicians and journalists whoever divides harms the country.” Meanwhile, within two days, the majority She will have to deal with some of the issues that separate them the most.