Biden warns that there is no immediate sanction as US

Biden warns that “there is no immediate sanction” as US allies target Russia

President Biden said there was “no immediate sanction” as he was questioned about his handling of the war in Ukraine.

– You have two options. Start World War III, go to war with Russia physically. Or two, make sure that a country that acts so contrary to international law ultimately pays the price for doing so, “Biden said in an interview with influential progressive social media influencer Brian Tyler Cohen.

“There is no sanction that is immediate,” he said. “It’s not like sanctioning someone and saying, ‘You won’t be able to be president of Russia anymore.’

“But I think I know that these sanctions are the broadest sanctions in history, both economic and political,” he said.

President Joe Biden defended the use of sanctions during a White House interview

President Joe Biden defended the use of sanctions during a White House interview

Biden explains in an interview with progressive social media influencer Brian Tyler Cohen

Biden explains in an interview with progressive social media influencer Brian Tyler Cohen

The questions came after some criticized the United States for using the threat of sanctions as the main way to “deter” Russia from invading its neighbor. Something that has not worked so far.

In the last week, Biden has announced a wave of sanctions against Russia.

Some have turned to major Russian banks and imposed export restrictions.

Biden even downplayed the effectiveness of sanctions, saying “no one expects sanctions to prevent something from happening,” although he had previously stressed that sanctions are designed to deter and prevent.

On Saturday, the Western Allies decided to block “selected” Russian banks from the SWIFT payment system.

Biden even downplayed the effectiveness of sanctions, saying

Biden even downplayed the effectiveness of sanctions, saying “no one expects sanctions to prevent something from happening,” although he had previously stressed that sanctions are designed to deter and prevent.

This move will deal a crippling economic blow, but will also cause a great deal of pain to their own companies and banks.

The Society for Global Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) is a secure messaging system to ensure fast cross-border payments, which has become the main mechanism for financing international trade.

Russian banks that have been denied access to SWIFT will find it more difficult to communicate with international partners, even in friendly countries such as China, which slows down trade and makes transactions more expensive.

In this latest interview, Biden said people should not expect an immediate effect from sanctions.

Western allies decide on Saturday to block

Western allies decide on Saturday to block “selected” Russian banks from the SWIFT payment system

View of a demolished building after it was allegedly targeted by Ukraine in the city of Ilovaisk in the Donetsk region under the control of pro-Russian separatists, Ukraine on Saturday

View of a demolished building after it was allegedly targeted by Ukraine in the city of Ilovaisk in the Donetsk region under the control of pro-Russian separatists, Ukraine on Saturday

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An explosion of a gas pipe is observed in the city of Kharkov

“My goal from the beginning was to make sure I kept all NATO and Europe on the same page. “The only thing Putin thought he could do was split up NATO, creating a big hole for him to get through, but that didn’t happen,” Biden said.

“If you notice that there was complete unanimity, Russia will pay a heavy price for this short-term and long-term plan.”

Biden noted that neutral comments from Finland and Sweden on possible NATO accession show how deeply Putin has erred in invading Ukraine.

“Not only is NATO more united, look at what is happening in Finland, look at what is happening in Sweden, look at what is happening in other countries. I want to say that he is producing exactly the opposite effect that he intended, “Biden said.

“All I know is that we need to continue the course with our other allies,” Biden said.

In an interview with Cohen Biden, he commented on his predecessor Donald Trump’s remark that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a “genius” in the crisis with Ukraine – pointing to a time when the former president was called a “stable genius.”

Biden also commented on his predecessor Donald Trump's remark that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a

Biden also commented on his predecessor Donald Trump’s remark that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a “genius” in the crisis with Ukraine – pointing to a time when the former president called himself a “stable genius.”

Biden scoffed at Trump, who called Putin’s plan to send so-called peacekeepers to the breakaway Donbass region of eastern Ukraine a “genius” move.

The deployment of Putin’s troops late Wednesday marked the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Russia.

“I put so much into it that Trump says Putin is a genius as I am when he calls himself a stable genius,” Biden said.

Trump has called himself a “stable genius” several times, the first in 2018 in response to a conversation that he was not mentally fit to serve as president.

“In fact, my two biggest strengths throughout my life have been mental stability and being really smart,” Trump wrote on Twitter at the time.

The 45th president added that winning a job on his first attempt should “qualify as not a genius, but a genius … and a very stable genius at that!”

On Tuesday, Trump could be heard praising Putin’s aggressive actions toward Ukraine as both “genius” and “very reasonable.”

Ukrainian soldier passes by wreckage of burning military truck on street in Kiev, Ukraine, Saturday

Ukrainian soldier passes by wreckage of burning military truck on street in Kiev, Ukraine, Saturday

Russian troops stormed the Ukrainian capital on Saturday and sparked street fighting as city officials called on residents to take shelter.

Russian troops stormed the Ukrainian capital on Saturday and sparked street fighting as city officials called on residents to take shelter.

“I came in yesterday and there was a TV screen and I said, ‘This is ingenious.’ Putin declares much of Ukraine. Putin declares him independent. “Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said.

“So Putin is now saying, ‘This is independent,’ much of Ukraine. I said, “How smart is that?” And he would come in and be a peacemaker.

“This is the strongest peacekeeping force I have ever seen. There were more army tanks than I saw. They will keep the peace, fine. No, but think about it. Here is a man who is very sensible.

Trump said similar thoughts the next day during a fundraiser at his Florida resort of Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday.

“I mean, he’s taking over the country for $ 2 in sanctions,” Trump said. “I’d say it’s pretty smart.”