3 zodiac signs who will have a great day on March 11, 2022

As Mercury clears the haze and frustration in our eyes, if you are one of these three zodiac signs who will have a great day on March 11, 2022, you will be blessed with the gift of seeing things clearly today, allowing you to move forward with more than just new things. vision, but a pure heart.

No matter how you try to process your thoughts, trying to figure out what you want and how to achieve it, doing the same with your feelings is often not so easy.

Making sense of your emotional world can be difficult at best, and downright scary at other times.

This is because while you can think logically, being able to feel everything requires inner security and confidence, not necessarily critical thinking skills.

Today serves as a day when you can sort out your feelings.

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It could be about your childhood, past relationships, or even the whirlwind of astrology you’ve been in since Venus went retrograde in December.

Especially since Pluto was constantly active last month, there was a possibility of healing, but for real healing, you need to be able to see things from a unique perspective.

The Moon enters Cancer in the early hours of the morning, drawing your attention to how you feel.

Today is not a day for reflection, but for focusing on your feelings and what your heart feels after being around certain people.

This will be enhanced by the Moon’s connection to Mercury, allowing you to see not only the truth about the situation, but the truth about how you feel about it.

No matter how surprising or instructive the truth is today, it is a step in the right direction and you will finally be able to see that the path forward has never been so difficult once you have stopped walking this path.

This is why the 3 zodiac signs who will have a great day on March 11, 2022 will feel the influence of the Moon in Cancer so easily.

1. Cancer

(June 21 – July 22)

Today should feel easier for you, especially if you feel like the last few weeks have been hard to know what to do. For you, when Venus has spent so much time in the zodiac sign Capricorn, it has shed a lot of light on the relationships in your life, especially romantic ones or even marriage.

As February felt like it was progressing, you became more clear about what you wanted to do, which means your heart has already made up its mind, even if your mind is still trying to figure out all the parts involved. But as a Cancer zodiac sign, it’s hard to accept what this change will mean overall for your life.

Whether it’s about leaving parts of your life behind when you start or deepen a new relationship, or if it’s about what will change when you end a relationship, what’s happening in your life now will affect to the parts of your life that matter the most. you, your family.

However, today’s energy allows you to come out of that heavy darkness that has prevented you from acting, and instead reminds you not only of everything that has to happen, but that you are not responsible for other people. Something that is extremely difficult for you as a Cancer to understand, but it is a lesson that frees you from thinking that something or someone is worth your misfortune.

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2. Pisces

(February 19 – March 20)

Since Mercury is conjunct the Moon today, it will be in your watery realm of Pisces, which means you will feel it more deeply than others. As a water sign and the most romantic of all the zodiacs, most don’t think that emotions are something to swim away from, but you should know better.

Because you are very soft and sensitive, it is not very good for you to hurt. Frustration or the need to figure out where to go next are all traits that you tend to avoid and don’t encounter.

But today this is changing in important ways. After the recent planetary gathering in Pisces, giving you a much needed dose of self love, there is a need to really open your eyes to your own feelings.

There are so many good things around you, so much even on their way to you this year, as Jupiter continues to swim in emotional waters and you need to make sure you are in the place where you can fully receive it all.

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Mercury today gives you the ability to see clearly what you have been trying to avoid, which ultimately brings greater happiness and freedom. The greatest action you can take on anything you feel about what you’ve been through is acceptance, because that’s the door to true freedom and the future that awaits you.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22 – January 19)

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As the Moon sails through the sensitive waters of Cancer, she illuminates what goes on behind the scenes of your relationship. Since Venus and Mars have been spending so much time together in your sign since November, it might seem like you’ve been in the hot seat with little relief.

Fortunately, when the heavenly lovers changed signs a couple of days ago, you felt a little relieved, but today you have a chance to better understand what their purpose in your life was. Nothing that happens is random, but instead is part of the fragments of synchronicities that help guide you on the path meant for you.

A lot has happened, Capricorn, even if you didn’t want to admit it or see it.

But it’s there, and it’s time to start looking realistically at everything you’ve experienced. You have so many incredible qualities, how much you change paths and start over is not something you enjoy doing and you tend to be very hesitant about making any major changes.

But this is exactly what the universe is calling you to do, instead of just continuing like nothing happened, allow yourself to change your perspective and see how you really feel about life and your relationships now that the dust has settled.

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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. To see more of her work, visit her website.