CSTO is ready to establish practical cooperation with NATO

CSTO is ready to establish practical cooperation with NATO

Aware of our responsibility to ensure lasting peace in the Eurasian region, we emphasize the importance of reducing tensions on the continent and reaffirm our readiness to establish practical cooperation with NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), he noted in the Document published by the Kremlin.

The CSTO Collective Security Council highlighted the decision adopted in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Collective Security Treaty and the 20th anniversary of the organization bringing together the heads of state and government of the bloc (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) brought together Russia and Tajikistan) in this capital.

In the text, the leaders of these nations expressed concern about NATO’s tendency to intervene in crisis situations, circumvent accepted international legal norms and principles, use force or threaten to resolve conflicts in violation of the United Nations Charter.

They also expressed concern about the selective application of generally accepted norms and principles of international law in total disregard for negotiation formats established at the global level.

He also dismissed the reluctance of these countries to accept the legitimate interests of sovereign states, interference in their internal affairs, the use of unilateral sanctions and restrictions in violation of the prerogatives of the UN Security Council, manifestations of double standards, hatred and intolerance.

According to the statement, the participants of the Moscow summit are satisfied with the growing interaction of the CSTO countries on the international arena and the degree of coordination shown between their foreign policy organizations on the main issues of the global and regional agenda.

The representatives of the CSTO countries expressed their willingness “to deepen cooperation with the UN, other states and interested international and regional organizations”.

The joint statement emphasized that the CSTO is ready to ensure the security of its borders, also in connection with the worrying situation in Afghanistan and at other external borders of the member countries.

The Presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin; from Belarus, Alexandr Lukashenko; from Kazakhstan; Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev; from Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Zhaparov; from Tajikistan; Emomali Rajmon; and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.
