Skull session: Harry Miller is a hero, Ryan Day talks about mental health, and Jaden Baller compares Devin Smith

Well, look on the bright side – Friday night is completely free now!

Word of the day: Despondency.

HARRY HERO. Nothing I write today (or any other time, for that matter) will be as beautiful, honest, bold, memorable, profound or impactful as the letter Harry Miller shared with us yesterday.

So, in this first section, I’m going to succumb to him. If you missed reading his letter yesterday, please read it now. If you read this yesterday, read it again.

I am retiring for health reasons.

I wouldn’t normally share this kind of information. However, since I played football,
I am no longer granted the privilege of privacy, so I will briefly share my story before
more and more articles keep asking, “What’s wrong with Harry Miller?” this is good
question. This is a good enough question for me not to know the answer, although I
often asked.

Before the season last year, I told Coach Day about my intention to kill myself. He
put me in touch with Dr. Candace and Dr. Norman immediately and I got
the support I needed. A few weeks later, I tried my luck at scarred football again.
on my wrists and throat. Maybe the scars were hard to see because of the wrapped wrists.
Maybe it was hard to see the scars through the bright colors of the TV. May be
Scars was hard to hear on all the talk shows and interviews. They are
they are hard to see and easy to hide, but they definitely hurt. There was a dead man
on TV, but no one knew it.

At that time, I would rather be dead than a coward. I’d rather be nothing at all than
should explain everything that was wrong. I planned to be reduced to mine
initials on a sticker on the back of the helmet. I have seen people ask for help before. I had
I’ve seen the age-old adage about how our generation is softening every second, but I can
tell you that my skin was tough. It should have been. But he was no stronger than sharp metal
my utility knife. And I saw how easy it is for people to dismiss others by saying
about how they were just dumb college kids who didn’t know anything. But luckily I
i study in engineering college and i have 4.0 and any accolades
you could demand, so maybe if someone’s pain can be taken seriously, for once, she can
be mine. And maybe I can vouch for all the other people who get hurt but don’t take
serious, because for some reason the pain must have a background

A person like me, who supposedly has the whole world ahead of him, can be completely
ready to give up the whole world. It’s not a problem reserved for the distant and
away. It is in our homes. It’s in our conversations. It is in the people we love.

I am not angry. I had to get rid of my anger because I didn’t know if God would forgive me if I went to him in anger. I didn’t know how the Host of Hosts would react to my
untimely arrival, and I did not want to tempt him. So in my sorrow I lost my anger
and learned a lot. Through tears in my eyes, I learned the color of blood.
learned that the human ear cannot distinguish them when their drops fall
tiled floor. But above all, I learned love, the kind of love that can only be pieced together.
together in a mechanism of cruel sadness.

And so I will love more than I can be hated or laughed at, because I know people who
sneers most need the love I was looking for. The price of apathy is life, but
the price of life is as small as an act of kindness. I am life preserved by kindness
it was suggested to me by others when I could not generate kindness for myself.

We ask: “How could this happen?” but this one question can’t set us free
of all the questions we could have asked while this was going on.

I am grateful for the infrastructure created by Coach Day at Ohio State and I
grateful that it allows me to find a new way to help others in the program. hope
sports departments across the country do the same. If not for him and the staff, my
words will not be a reflection. They’ll be evidence in the autopsy.

God bless those who love. God bless those who cry. And God bless those who suffered
and know how to share their pain only with anger, because they learn to love with me.

I’m fine.

There is always help.


Doom Spiro Spero

While I breathe I hope

I don’t know Harry personally and may never know. But with his letter, and with how many lives I’m sure he’s already taken, it’s very clear that his pain had a purpose, and there is hope in his suffering.

I’m proud of him. And he is very, very loved by more people than he will ever know.

He will never play for Ohio State again, but I sincerely believe he will go down in history as one of the most influential people to ever wear a Buckeye uniform.

DAY AHEAD. I obviously don’t know exactly what happened and I don’t want to speak on Harry’s behalf, but from the outside I’m not sure there is a better head coach in the country that he could turn to with his mental health. struggles and contemplates suicide than Ryan Day.

Day realizes he lost his father to a suicide when he was young. And because of that, he attaches great importance to mental health as a coach.

And I don’t think it was a coincidence that the night before Miller officially announced his retirement from football, Day preached about the importance of mental health and shared a bit of his story.

There are many things that make me proud of my alma mater and the team I support and write about professionally, and Day and Miller just keep giving me more.

DEVIN SMITH JR. I usually try not to compare new or promising players to other players from the past because that’s not fair to any player and usually sets up a young guy to fail.

But when you came from Massillon, changed your number to Devin Smith No. 9, and openly mentioned his name several times during your short interview, I was left with no choice.

The only thing it would be better if you told me that Ballard hasn’t lost a single game in his career by scoring a touchdown.

SIGN IT. Liam McCullough hasn’t competed in football since his time at Ohio State, but he’s here to prove he’s ready for a moment’s notice.

Admittedly, I know very little about the long range snapper, but it’s pretty damn clear to me that he’s the best snapper available in the country and might be better than some of the current pros.

If he doesn’t even get an invitation to someone’s camp this year, I’ll be furious on his behalf.

THE SONG OF THE DAY. “Turn My Swag On” by Soulja Boy.

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