May 16 Ephemeris What Happened on a Day Like Today

May 16 Ephemeris: What Happened on a Day Like Today? THE IMPARTIAL Mexico

UNITED STATES.- We tell you that Ephemeris of May 16ththe most important events that took place on a date like today between 1509 Y 2020.


1509.- From the port of Cartagena, set sail the squadron that, under the command of Cardinal Cisneros, was to conquer Oran (now Algeria).


1703.- Tsar Peter I lays the first stone of the city of Saint Petersburg on the banks of the Neva.


1850.- Launched in Toulon (France), the first steam warship named “Napoleon”.

1874.- The first opera by a Cuban author, “La hija de Jefté”, by Lauro Fuentes, with a libretto by Arnao, premieres in Havana.


1917.- Juan Rulfo was born Mexican writer and storyteller, considered one of the great Iberoamerican authors of the 20th century.

1920– Pope Benedict XV sanctifies the French heroine Joan of Arc.

1920.- The bullfighter Joselito “El Gallo” is fatally stabbed in the bullring of Talavera de la Reina (Toledo, central Spain).

1929.- In Hollywood (California), the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood awards its Oscars for the first time, equipped with a gold-plated statuette, later called “Oscar”.

1943.- Second World War: After four weeks of fighting, the Nazi troops overcame the resistance of the Warsaw ghetto.

1966.- The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issues a circular outlining Mao’s ideas on the Cultural Revolution.

1974.- Helmut Schmidt is sworn in as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

1975.- Junko Tabei from Japan completes the summit of Everest, becoming the first woman to do so.

1986.- NATO authorizes US production of chemical weapons.

1986.- In Argentina, the military commanders responsible during the Malvinas War are sentenced: Arturo Lami, Leopoldo Galtieri and Jorge Anaya.

1989.- China and the USSR reconcile after 30 years of hostility.

1990.- The elected Prime Minister of Hungary, Joszef Antall, presents the first democratic government in four decades in Budapest.

1922.- In Argentina, the first issue of the magazine “Para ti” from Buenos Aires appears, which gained great popularity in the country.

1930.- General Leonidas Trujillo wins the presidential elections in the Dominican Republic.

1993.- Suleiman Demirel is elected Turkey’s ninth President.

1997.- The President of Zaire, Mobuto Sese Seko, leaves power after more than 30 years of dictatorship.

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2000.- Terra, a subsidiary of Telefónica for the Internet, buys the US portal Lycos for 12.5 billion dollars.

2002.- The film Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones appears in the USA.

2003.- A series of Islamist attacks in Casablanca (Morocco) claims 45 lives.

2005.- Some 15,000 peasants take Brasilia to remind President Lula of his campaign promise to give land titles to 14,000 families.

2007.- Jacques Chirac hands over the French presidency to Nicolas Sarkozy after 12 years in power.

2009.- For the first time in history, four women are elected MPs in Kuwait.

2011.- In Guatemala, the bloodthirsty Mexican group of hitmen and drug traffickers Los Zetas murdered 31 people in Guatemala within three days.

2011.- The Shuttle Endeavor takes off for the International Space Station (ISS) on its final mission in space.

2013.- Wikipedia in Spanish reaches the first million articles published.

2017.- President Maduro declares a new state of emergency that limits guarantees in Venezuela to “maintain internal order” in the country.

2019.- The historical leader of the terrorist organization ETA, Josu Ternera, has been arrested in France.

2020.- Félicien Kabuga, one of the most wanted fugitives from the 1994 Rwandan genocide, is arrested in Paris.

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  • 1898.- Tamara de Lempicka, Polish painter.
  • 1905.- Henry Fonda, American actor.
  • 1906.- Arturo Uslar Pietri, Venezuelan writer.
  • 1923.- Merton Miller, American, P. Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 1990.
  • 1951.- Christian Lacroix, French fashion designer and fashion designer.
  • 1953.- Pierre Brosnan, Irish actor.
  • 1955.- Debra Winger, American actress.
  • 1966.- Janet Jackson, American singer.
  • 1970.- Gabriela Sabatini, Argentine tennis player.
  • 1974.- Laura Pausini, Italian singer.
  • 1986.- Megan Fox, American actress.


  • 1567.- Juan Bautista de Toledo, Spanish architect who planned and directed the works of the El Escorial Monastery until his death.
  • 1990.- Sammy Davis Jr., American singer and actor.
  • 1995.- Lola Flores “La Faraona”, Spanish singer and actress.
  • 2007.- Mary Douglas, British anthropologist.
  • 2020.- Julio Anguita, Spanish politician, leader of the United Left.

catholic saints

  • Saint Simon Stock
  • Saint Abdas, Bishop and Martyr
  • Saint Abiesus, Bishop and Martyr
  • Saint Adam of Fermo
  • Saint Andrew Bobola
  • Saint Brendan
  • San Carentoco
  • San Fidolo
  • Saint Germerio of Toulouse
  • Saint Honoré of Amiens
  • Sacred Peregrine Falcon of Auxerre
  • Saint Posidius of Calama
  • Saint Ubald of Gubbio
  • Blessed Vidal Vladimir Bayrak


  • International Day of Peaceful Coexistence.
  • International Day of Light.
  • Malaysia: Teachers Day.
  • Costa Rica: National Microbiologist and Clinical Chemist Day.

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