1652734690 Cuban woman denounces that her daughter and granddaughters live in

Cuban woman denounces that her daughter and granddaughters live in inhumane conditions and wait five years for help to repair their house Latest news from Cuba and Cubans around the world

Gisela Vázquez Jiménez is the Cuban national who said she “trusted” the “revolution” despite waiting five years for help to repair the home of her daughter and two granddaughters, all three of whom are mentally disabled.

This Cuban mother, like thousands on the island who have been betrayed by Castroism, expressed her despair and concern at the precarious situation of her daughter and two granddaughters, living in degrading conditions in a house that is about to collapse could.

Cubana says she Photo: Facebook

According to Vázquez Jiménez, the house where her daughter lives, in Palma Soriano, in Santiago de Cuba, is “uninhabitable”, there is no sanitary bath or latrine, and due to the rains, the water is constantly filtered .

“The three are mentally retarded and live in inhumane conditions. The house is uninhabitable; and collapsing, with no conditions whatsoever, not even a sanitary bath or latrine. The rains have started, which increases the danger to life,” wrote the Cuban on her Facebook profile.

Cuban woman asks for help to fix her daughter’s house ‘before she mourns one of her lives’

The woman, who says she trusts the so-called “revolution,” assured that on several occasions the area’s delegate, government officials and social workers had come to the house, who had not given a solution to the problems in his daughter’s case for more than five years.

Gisela Vázquez Jiménez, through her social networks, asked the Cuban regime for help to repair the house of her daughter and her granddaughters, aged 16 and 6, who are in a “serious situation and urgently need a solution”.

Cubana says she Housing without bathrooms. Photo: Facebook

“Please help now, while there is still time, before mourning the loss of life of one or all of them, if it comes to that. They have no way of repairing the house because of their health situation,” he claimed.

The Cuban indicated that her daughter, who goes by the name of Kirenia Arévalo Vázquez, does not work due to her mental situation and she and her two daughters support themselves with her help and that of relatives, while the authorities of the regime continue to ignore her case. .

ALSO READ: Multiple Homes Hit by Tornado in Artemisa (+ PHOTOS) – Cuba News Today – Cubans around the world

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