1652945919 Man spends 360000 on winnings received in error at Casino

Man spends $360,000 on winnings received in error at Casino

Casino roulette (Photo: Pixabay)

A Japanese man spent $360,000 in online casinos, referring to social benefits granted by Covid19 and accidentally received in his case, promising to return this amount to the authorities “gradually” explained his lawyer on site press this week Wednesday (18).

“I’m sorry I spent it all,” said the man, originally from Abu Municipality (West), according to his lawyer, adding that his client lost the money thrown away.

That amount of 46.3 million yen was remitted to a single family after confusion among local authorities who had organized an aid program for 463 lowincome families affected by the pandemic.

The recipient of the erroneous total amount, who would have been 24 years old, was not initially identified. On May 11, the municipality decided to file a lawsuit against him for refusing to pay back the amount. Now the person concerned has decided “to return the money, although I have to do it little by little,” said his lawyer, citing his client.

Abu Mayor Norihiko Hanada told the press he was “genuinely happy” about the advocacy’s change of stance but would not back down from the lawsuit.

“I hope you tell the truth in court,” he added.

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