Vasco and the first time in Trento I was 22

Vasco and the first time in Trento: “I was 22 with my father’s truck”. From the “Ghost” concert of 82 to that in San Severino, the load of 120,000 arrives the Dolomites the Dolomites

TRENTO. ”To the question “But will your kid pick up the truck?‘my father replied:’Well, now sing...”. And sing the good nationality that Blasco sang and still sings. While now yes count the hours and no longer the daysfor the appearance on the stage of the Music Arena of Trentointentionally built by Trento Province for this event by 120,000 peopleand, Vasco Rossi recalls when he first came to Trentino, mid 70straveling with dad (to quote the title of the film with Sordi and Verdone), in his parents’ truck, at 22.

”I was at university – he explains – and I wanted to do it a trip with my father and his truck c. seeom was his reality. there I went up only when I’ve been a lot small. So we started that It was about three in the morning I hadn’t gone to bed. Back then, Mrs.before 4 a.m we didn’t go to sleep. I lay down on the bunk behind it and I fell asleep like a stone, I certainly wasn’t in company. When I opened my eyes, I asked him where we were. “We are in Trento”. We were already on our way led to the porphyry quarry, Material he would go for later new York”.

Today, these days, Vasco has returned to Trento to sing, to open the 2022 tour after a two-year break because of the pandemic. For about a week alternative exams on trips out of town, on the Paganella (where he hugged the trees) or in flight over Trentino (here as he flew over the Adige Valley and the arena where he will be performing). A highly anticipated event for him and his fans. An event that the city of Trento will surely remember even for the absurd inconveniences made in population and the incredible political leadership of history with many, too many things gone wrong.

He was already in Trento in 1983 and in the past he had explained it on his Instagram page, publishing the text and photos of the city’s unforgettable photographer Dino Panato To commemorate the concert in Piazzale Sanseverino: “On April 23, 1983 it was installed in Piazzale Sanseverino a big marquee. At that time we didn’t have any palaces or buildings suitable for hosting concerts in the city. The tent had a capacity of three thousand people and was found to be sufficient to accommodate Vasco Rossi fans. A highly anticipated concert, and soon the organizers realized that there would not be enough space. Many people made it without a ticket by crawling under the sheets. Although it was April, the air inside soon became unbreathable. They decided to open the entrances to avoid problems. Despite this, two girls were hospitalized, another collapsed. A boy was hit by a rock for reasons that are unclear. At least there were in the tent four thousand People, some prefer to go out. The concert startedVasco went on stage and it was one hell of a mess. Nice concert“. It still is: “Vasco went on stage and it was chaos. Nice concert“.

But that’s not all: Because the year before, July 1982 the summer of mundial, a ‘ghost’ concert by Vasco was performed in Rovereto in the backdrop of the ‘Milan’ gardens in front of what is now the Mart. The cost to see this boy is already showing you”it went to the max”but what about”I go to the max‘ this year had come most recently at the Sanremo Festivalwas from 5 thousand lire. He was not yet famous in Trentino and for the public it was the first time that he did not get a big applause. The end, even in this case, was “Clear Dawn”. How about the superfans tonight and the 120,000 army tomorrow? It will be a night of applause for a seventy year old that he will not have driven the truck like his father, but that he has traveled many roads, always accompanied by the love and affection of the public.

Vasco then has finished his memory of his first time in Trento on Instagram, adding: “On the way back his moderate pace (from his father who drives the truck, editor’s note) almost drove me insane. I asked him: ‘“But why don’t you walk a little faster”? “That I do 80 and I never stop, the others get strong then they stop drinking coffee, finally I arrive always me first“. Well, I took care of it after all this time, I made him stop at every freeway rest stop there was. Always with an excuse. And he kept stopping with a lot of patience. In the last few days in Trento they spoke to me an elderly gentleman from this area who knew my father and my uncle professionally. When asked ‘Will your child pick up the truck?’ my father replied: “But … sing ‘…’ first.